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Clarity and Simplicity: Creating a Relaxed, Simple Website Navigation

Tala B. Ant
Clarity and Simplicity: Creating a Relaxed, Simple Website Navigation

Website navigation is one of the most important aspects of a website that has a direct impact on user experience. You can encourage users to stay on your site for longer periods of time and discover content buried deep within your site structure by providing simple navigation.

If your navigation is cluttered with links to every section of the site and its sub-sections, you may be causing more confusion than ease. A jumbled structure, in particular, can make it difficult for users looking for specific content to navigate your website quickly.

This post will explain how website navigation works and provide some tips to help you make it easier.


How Does a Website Navigate?


Websites are made up of various pages, each with its own web address. These individual pages are linked to other relevant web pages via hyperlinks to facilitate navigation when moving around a website.

This ease-of-use is critical for both visitors and search engines, which use it to determine whether or not content should appear on their results page. Search engines rank websites based on how well they match up against specific keywords entered by users.

If your site is difficult to navigate, you risk losing traffic from both sides. Whether users get lost on your site and don't find the information they need (which will lead them away), or whether search engine bots don't consider your page worthy of ranking high in SERPs due to its ease of use.

Website navigation is critical in your overall site design strategy because it has a large impact on user experience and search engine rankings. Both are necessary when attempting to grow your business online.


Site Navigation and Content Hierarchies


Most, if not all, websites have a hierarchical structure. Some have deeper levels, while others only have one to three. The hierarchy you use for a website is determined by the site's purpose, design, resources, and so on. There is no single type of website hierarchy that works best for all sites.


Content hierarchies are created so that users and search engines can quickly sift through your content and find what they're looking for. If you have a large amount of content on your website, this can help to reduce confusion.


There are basically two ways to layout your website hierarchies: using breadcrumbs or using drop-down menus, which are found on the majority of websites today. At the moment, drop-down menus appear to be more popular than breadcrumb trails. However, both methods serve the same purpose and help with navigation in similar ways.


Drop-Down List


There's nothing better than having clear-cut lists that lead visitors right where they need to go within your site hierarchy without them having to spend time searching around on their own accord when it comes to ease of use for users and search engines alike. Drop-down menus are an excellent way to accomplish this.


Drop-down menus provide simple site navigation, which is always preferable. Instead of having to scroll through several pages to get to where they want or need to go within your site hierarchy, visitors can find the information they need by simply clicking on an option from a list of options.


A drop-down menu not only makes website navigation easier, but it also makes searching easier, among other things!




While breadcrumbs aren't as popular as drop-down menu systems these days, you can still find them on a variety of websites, including eCommerce sites like Amazon. But why is that? What good are breadcrumb trails if no one uses them anymore?


Breadcrumb trails are just as easy to use as drop-down menus when it comes to usability. In fact, some people believe they are superior!


Breadcrumbs have been around for a long time, and many webmasters swear by them because they can be used in an infinite number of ways, as opposed to being limited to options like a drop-down menu system (although there is still the option to customize your own item if needed).


Even though breadcrumb trails aren't as popular as they once were, many people still prefer them to other types of site navigation systems. This is due to the fact that users do not require any training to use such systems or to understand where each link will take them.

Breadcrumbs, because they are simple and easy to use, can help with website navigation while still allowing users the freedom of customization. Just because something is out of date doesn't mean we should abandon it.


Best Practices for Making Website Navigation Easier


Your website is the first impression your customers have of your business, and it sets the tone for the rest of their interaction with you. If a visitor has to jump through hoops to find what they're looking for on your site, they'll be frustrated and never return. The ease of navigation is critical if you want people to keep coming back for more.


More information on how to keep your site navigation simple can be found here.


Maintain Consistency on Your Website


The first step is to maintain consistency on your website. No matter which page they're on, your users should be able to navigate quickly and easily. If you have a drop-down menu for main categories that is the same as your secondary navigation bar, people will be able to use either without having to figure out where each link points.


Don't Overburden Your Websites


If ease of use is important in the functionality of your website, ease of navigation is equally important in the design. You want something visually appealing and easy to look at while not detracting from the page's content.


It will be difficult for people to figure out where they should go if you have a lot of buttons or links all over your site pointing to different pages. It's also important to choose a good color scheme and stick with it so that visitors can always tell what section of your site they're in.


Different Colors Should be Used for Different Categories.


By creating visual cues for users, effective color use will aid in navigation. Assume you have a primary category and a secondary category you want people to click on. In this case, having the primary button a different color than the secondary will make navigation easier.


Assume your visitors can distinguish the purpose of your navigation elements and obtain all of the information they require without having to spend too much time figuring things out. In that case, navigation will be simplified.


Consider Categorizing Your Content


Another thing you could do is divide your work into categories. If your website contains a lot of information, visitors may struggle to find what they are looking for. Try grouping things together in small categories for ease of navigation, so that when users want to look for a specific subtopic, they only need to click a category page rather than browsing an extensive directory that lists all of your pages.


Make the Elements of Your Navigation Clickable.


Make all navigation elements clickable links as well. If you have a section of your site that is linked to another page, people can simply click the link and be taken there. If you don't make things like this available for ease of navigation, they may take longer than they'd like to navigate your website.


Do Not Mislead Your Customers


Anchor texts and navigation titles also play an important role in making navigation easier. Consider landing on a site, exploring it, and then returning to a category page by clicking the link that says "category page."


You were, however, directed to the about us page. Wouldn't that irritate you?


That is why it is critical that you label your titles and choose your anchor texts correctly. This prevents users from being directed to pages they did not intend to visit.


Use a Search Bar That Works


Finally, you must ensure that your website's search function is operational. Users will become irritated and leave if they try to search for something and the search results page does not display anything.


The search function is typically associated with the technical aspects of website optimization. So, if your search function isn't working properly, you should consider contacting your web developers.


Don't Make Use of Broken Internal Links


Internal links that are broken will direct your visitors to error pages or redirect them to other pages. Broken links create yet another set of navigation issues for your website. To prevent this from happening, you should conduct regular site audits. Also, make sure that every broken link on your website is fixed.


If you're looking for an internal link management tool, check out Internal Link Juicer and its premium features.


The internet is home to an incredible number of websites, making it difficult to find exactly what you're looking for. This is primarily because cluttered pages make navigation extremely difficult and frustrating. Remember that simplicity has always been an important factor in website design—try to incorporate it.


Internal links are essential for making your site's navigation simpler and easier to use. Visit Internal Link Juicer today if you're looking for a plugin to help you with your internal link-building efforts!

Tala B. Ant
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