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DIY photo booth backdrop!

Lofaris Backdrop
DIY photo booth backdrop!

If you have been to a wedding recently (or even just on Instagram), you may have seen an interesting photo backdrop for people to pose in front. These photo backdrops are not only very interesting, but also allow your guests to easily celebrate the occasion and mix things up when they are tired of being on the dance floor.

The good news is that these backdrops are very easy to DIY. Using flowers that match your wedding, you can create a simple flower backdrop, such as this one from Lofarisbackdrop.com. Add some interesting props, such as hats or masks, to make the photo backdrop more interesting. Your guests will love its variability and creativity, which means you will definitely get some fun photo moments!

1. DIY photo backdrop with flowers

Flowers are hard to resist! Use this photo backdrop to add a floral fragrance to your bridal shower, birthday party or bachelor party. Mix the leaves to get green, and make sure you choose long-lasting flowers as a backdrop that lasts all day. Imagine your backdrop plus the flowers and leaves you added by yourself. Lifelike Your backdrop is unique!

DIY photo booth backdrop!

2. Use DIY photo backdrops with edges

Use colorful striped triangles to add some texture to your photo backdrop. This option is very suitable for any type of party from New Year to birthday. Just choose the thin paper, tailoring, and tape that matches your theme. Look, you have the backdrop! It's so simple and generous. Add a lot of fun to the original backdrop! And take these down and use other decorations, and you get a new backdrop cloth!

DIY photo booth backdrop!

Look! Isn’t it super easy? From the backdrop of Lofaris to your unique backdrop! Of course, you can also try to doodle directly on the backdrop or write some favorite sentences.

Lofaris Backdrop
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