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Which Vegetables to Grow in Winter?

Vego Garden
Which Vegetables to Grow in Winter?

Many gardeners don’t bother with growing vegetables during the winter, especially if they live in cold, freezing climates. However, there are a variety of vegetables that thrive in cooler temperatures. Some vegetables are semi-hardy, which means they can withstand light frost with temperatures 28 – 32°F. Suited for regions with mild winters, they include beets, lettuce, salad greens, parsnips, and arugula. Others are cold-hardy, which means they can tolerate hard frosts with temperatures 25 – 28°F without experiencing damage. These include kale, spinach, English peas, and leeks. 

Growing vegetables in the winter offer advantages including lower water needs and fewer pests. Some even benefit from a light frost, which improves their flavor by converting starches into sugar. Before planting, make sure to check out the plant requirements and their corresponding hardiness zones. Once you know which ones are appropriate for your climate, choose vegetables that you will enjoy eating. 

If you live in a cooler climate, you can consider protecting your vegetables using cold frames, hoop tunnels, polytunnels, or row covers, which will help your vegetables survive cold and snowy temperatures. Specialized equipment such as forks, trowels, and thermal gardening gloves are useful to help you dig through hard, compacted soil. Below is a list of vegetables that you can try to grow during the fall and winter to extend your harvest.

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