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5 Ways To Prevent Fraud From Happening From The Inside Of Your Company

Sumeet Manhas
5 Ways To Prevent Fraud From Happening From The Inside Of Your Company

When it comes to business, so many aspects can be associated with how it is run. From the financial practices to promoting their brand, every aspect of a company has a ton of moving parts.


One thing that goes on behind the scenes in any business is working out the details for how more money is made. While this sounds innocent enough, things can get complicated if people don't have their morals intact when making decisions about the money.


Internal fraud is happening within your company by people trying to make money illegally from your company's name. These could be tasks involving stealing goods or money or committing other fraudulent activities. This can be a huge blow to any company, and it's important to try and prevent these events from happening in the first place.

What is Internal Fraud?

Internal fraud is a type of white-collar crime committed by employees or people associated with a company. The main goal of this crime is to make money illegally, either through stealing assets, information or funds. This crime can also include counterfeiting, bribery, and Ponzi schemes.


For fraud to take place, it typically requires three elements: intent, opportunity, and rationalization. The person committing the fraud must intend to do so and find an opportunity to commit the crime. They will also often try to rationalize their actions to make themselves feel better about doing.


Here are some tips on preventing fraud from happening from the inside of your company.

Segregation of Duties Guidelines

Your company needs to have clear segregation of duties guidelines. Segregation of duties means having different people handling different parts of financial transactions so that no one person has the authority and access to interfere or corrupt the whole process.


Having different people handle different parts of the financials will help stop someone from cooking the books or committing other financial fraud. This is because they would need multiple people to commit the fraud, and it would be more difficult for them to do so.


Segregation of duties guidelines can also ensure that you have different people verifying the work being done. This can help to catch any discrepancies that may occur.

Tighter Controls on Cash

It's important to have tight controls on cash and ensure that there are procedures in place for handling, depositing, and recording cash transactions. This will help deter people from stealing money from the company or committing other fraudulent activities.


It's also important to ensure that you have a system in place to reconcile your bank statements with your accounting records. This will help you to identify any discrepancies that may occur.

Have A Clear Fraud Policy

Every company should have a clear policy on what is considered fraud and what is not. This will help to provide a guideline for employees on what is and is not acceptable behavior. This will help to outline expectations for employees and give them a resource to go to if they are experiencing any fraudulent behavior.


Having a policy in place also helps to show that the company takes fraud seriously and will not tolerate it. This can help to deter people from committing fraud in the first place.

Regular Fraud Training

Employees should be given regular training on spotting fraud. This can help them identify anything that may be a red flag and prevent escalation.


Employees should also be given tips on reporting any suspicious activity so that the company can take action as soon as possible. Training employees regularly will also help show that the company takes fraud prevention seriously.

Ongoing Monitoring of Financial Statements

It's important to monitor your financial statements regularly to identify any discrepancies that may occur. This will help you to catch any fraud that may be taking place.

You should also have a system in place for reviewing transactions and codes so that you can spot any unusual activity.


Having a system in place to monitor your financial statements will help protect your company from internal fraud.

Final Thoughts

Fraud is a major concern for any business, and it's important to take steps to prevent it from happening. By following the tips above, you can help deter employees from committing fraud and stop it before it has a chance to do damage.

Sumeet Manhas
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