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Total Home Windows and Doors
  1. Thinking of renovating your existing home or building a new one, you can depend on us- Total Home Windows and Doors to supply the best, strongest and energy efficient windows and doors in the Greater Toronto Area. Our windows and doors are C.S.A. approved and our installation is flawless. 
  2. Total Home Windows and Doors provide C.S.A. approved windows and doors with high energy efficiency, strong and aesthetically appealing features. We are based in Greater Toronto Area serving our clients whether they are making a new home or renovating the existing one. Our expertise in installation of windows and doors is second to none in the industry. 
  3. Serving the residents of Greater Toronto Area with our professional expertise, Total Home Windows and Doors is the best in windows and doors installation whether in a new home or in an existing one. Our products are C.S.A. approved and are energy efficient, durable and strong. We also provide guarantee with our products. 

Total Home Windows and Doors
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