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Metal Corner Brackets

Metal Corner Brackets

I was able to go around and hand sand everything and that was even a better look well I'm not certain it was worth it probably spent oh I want to say two days going through this process of sanding everything down I mean every single piece of the iron back side front side everywhere and then taking the scotch and going over and hand sanding everything the way you see I'm doing right here Metal Corner Brackets and like I said I don't know that would be any different if he just took some steel wool or just some scotch bright initially or maybe even some sandpaper and just hit it really lightly with sandpaper that whole thing could have been bobby done and in in 20 minutes or something but no I looked to go the route that I went and once I realized that I was in it I couldn't change it and I had to finish doing it the way I was doing it because the look would have been different. Large metal corner brackets, Metal corner brackets for wood, Heavy-duty metal corner brackets, Long metal corner brackets, Metal corner brackets Screwfix, Decorative metal corner brackets, Corner brace brackets, L brackets. 

Outdoor screws Screwfix, Railway sleeper brackets, Screwfix railway sleeper brackets, Railway sleeper brackets b&q. So that is what I did and just stayed with it and got it done you know took the surface preparation wheel he had every single corner took the scotch and just went around and hand-sanded every single piece nevertheless I got it done and it was a lot of work but it all turned out pretty evenly alright so once I got all that done and that left a lot of dust and debris on there so I wiped everything down with acetone again and I got everything nice and clean and I am going to be putting some clear lacquer on the top of all of this you know in the past I've used some clear polyurethane they've said that that's not really designed for Outdoor Screws I used it anyway I didn't have any issues with it but this stuff right here clear lacquer is they said it's acceptable for Metal Corner Brackets.

And that's what you see me put it on there put a couple of coats of this on just spraying it on you know the idea even though it's gonna be inside the house there and it is  Outdoor Screws I wanted to have some sort of protection against you know I was just couldn't help to think that well eventually this thing might rust someway somehow and if I had some sort of the coating on it you know that might help prevent that so that's what I'm doing right here and hopefully that's what happens it's got some protective coating on it alright well with that done I'm just going to assemble this thing back again and we're gonna start putting the wood on and of course wouldn't you know it you know I got four pieces to put on I can't find a single one to the right side here yeah, of course, you grab one it's definitely not the right one why should things change now into this project nothing is going right ultimately got it all to put together.

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