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With the assistance of New York Lawyers for Employment, you may get all of your rights:

Fourton Associates PLLC
With the assistance of New York Lawyers for Employment, you may get all of your rights:


Several federal, state and local laws govern employees' rights and obligations at work. As a result, obtaining competent legal representation is crucial while dealing with these issues. When disagreements arise, they may have serious consequences for both parties' success, productivity, status, and well-being, as well as for other employees. The best course of action is to consult with an attorney to determine what the law requires and how to settle concerns swiftly. Our attorneys work with clients both in advance to prevent disagreements and afterward to effectively resolve concerns.

Employers of various sizes, from tiny companies to large corporations, are among our clients. In addition, we represent employers, independent contractors, and freelancers in contract disputes and other workplace concerns.

Work done for clients by our New York City lawyers:

Our expert attorneys can assist you in understanding your legal rights and obligations under state and federal employment standards, such as those governing wage, safe working environment, anonymity, sexism, retaliation, and abuse.

We will also assist you with transactional concerns such as job drafting and/or arrangement, independent contractor, termination, and severance agreements. We also help firms create successful company policies and processes, as well as employee handbooks and instructional materials.

Our Products and Services:

1. Wrongful Termination: Many jurisdictions, including New York, have "at-will" employment statutes that enable a private-sector contractor to terminate an employee at any time for any cause unless a written stipulation to the contrary exists. This law has various exceptions, such as when at-will employees cannot be fired or laid off. An unjust termination claim may be launched if an employer fires someone unlawfully or unfairly, or if the dismissal is discriminatory or retaliatory. We advise clients on both sides of an issue and represent them in court.

2. FMLA Claims: The Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) is federal legislation that permits employers to provide qualifying employees with up to 12 weeks of unpaid absence each year for family or personal medical reasons, as well as job security throughout the leave time. The legislation does not apply to every company or employee, and the qualifications might be confusing. Our attorneys help clients navigate the legislation and prevent problems that might threaten an employee's credentials.

3. Wage and Hour Violation: While most people understand what minimum wage is, companies are subject to a number of wage and hour rules at the federal, state, and local levels. Overtime calculations, payout frequency and method, salary statements and deductions, and other factors vary between qualified and non-exempt employees. We provide legal advice to employees and represent both employers and employees in wage and hour disputes.

Wrapping up:

Finally, if you are having trouble with your employer, you should promptly engage an Employment Lawyer in New York City. They will assist you in fighting for your rights with utmost accuracy and will protect you from unwarranted harassment. They can help you with a variety of Employment Law services.

Fourton Associates PLLC
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