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Lawyers use Tenants Journal to Hinder Eviction and be An Invaluable Renting Survival Tool

Lawyers use Tenants Journal to Hinder Eviction and be An Invaluable Renting Survival Tool

Renting survival for tenants is not 100% based on rental agreement alone, as most would think. Interactive Tenants Journal is good for Lawyers to monitor and help their clients to rent better and work with their clients rental agreements.

Think about it, if you landed in legal trouble with your rental, getting an attorney fast is of utmost importance because legal trouble with a rental is more than likely time sensitive.

Take Gino, served a 3-day notice when he had paid the rent. Who knew this would or could ever happen? In shock, Gino had to respond which meant showing up in court illegal or legal and the owner was not responding. Stressed he hired an attorney and which he put cost on credit card as he had no choice as this was his credit, his job, future renting and even a marriage.  

Gino added legal counsel in his Tenants Journal along with his other details. He had been tracking everything and gave the attorney all the documents.  It could have been a real mess.

Takes a few days to even find proper legal counsel and secure one and Gino had one already lined up. Gino who was prepared and more than he knew! 

Served a 3-day notice when he had paid the rent – who knew this would or could ever happen? In shock, Gino had to respond which meant showing up in court illegal or legal and the owner was not responding. Stressed he hired an attorney and which he put cost on credit card as he had no choice.


Gino was tracking his rental for month via the Tenants Journal and had well documented receipts and correspondence tracking all rental happenings gave him of showing all records – the good, the bad and the ugly – even showing nothing happening gave the attorneys good evidence to stop the illegal eviction.

Organizing all the data was a matter of a few clicks and easy print out for Gino, which he gave to his legal council in minutes, saving him days of huge looses and eviction.    

“It’s proof, the evidence”, the golden ring “Which most renter do not have.” Gino had Tenants Journal in minutes and on his way to better understanding after a few minutes of signing up.

Every renter I have spoken prior to them getting the journal will stop speechless as to where their records are and were they were even saved. I ask you now, “Where’s all your records?”

Quietly most I ask will respond in a jaw dropping silence, silence! They wll say, I don’t know and have to check or maybe say have a story but no paper work.


Lawyers can weave a case and best the more data one has the better


use the Interactive Journal and work to ensure their clients have documentation with their client’s rental and how to handle their managers and what needs to be planned. And deter problems.

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