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Microtomes can be used for light microscopy and electron microscopy.

Microtomes can be used for light microscopy and electron microscopy.

Microtomy is a technique for processing thin parts of materials such as bones, minerals, and teeth that is an alternative to electropolishing and ion milling. Microtome sections can be made thin enough to section a human hair across its width, with section thicknesses ranging from 50 nm to 100 m.

Microtomes by hand,

A hand microtome is a small microtome that can be used for a variety of procedures. Plant cuttings (stems, buds, and leaves) in particular can be cut fairly well with it. You can view some specimens sliced this manner on this site. The main problem of this type of microtome is that it is nearly hard to cut very fine and consistent lines, therefore the specimen quickly becomes worthless. This is less unpleasant and thus useful for plant material in a couple of cases. The purchasing price of this microtome is also a benefit. It costs little under 100 euros and may be obtained through Euromex, for example.

Read more @ https://tradove.com/blog/A-Microtomes-is-a-tool-used-for-cutting-thin-slices-of-tissue.html

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