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6 Tips to Find the Best Furniture Deals During and After New Year Sale

Bergen Furniture & Design
6 Tips to Find the Best Furniture Deals During and After New Year Sale

2021 is about to end. And if you haven’t yet found that sofa or dining table you wanted to buy this year, don’t despair. While the New Year rings in, you will get opportunities to buy your favorite items for less at stores. Although buying the right furniture depends on what and when you are shopping, some stores offer deals on all categories around this period. Here, we will discuss some tips and tricks to spot the best deals and offers to buy furniture during the New Year.

Tips to Find the Best Buy for Your Favorite Furniture

You might have been waiting for these holiday sales to buy that favorite table or chair. While using coupons and waiting for these deals can help bring the price down, you can still save more bucks. Try looking for floor samples, closeout products, and clearance deals. And before you make the purchase, have a look at these tips.

1.     Negotiation: Are you sure you are getting the best price for that Magnussen Cheswick drawer nightstand? Have you checked other stores for their price tags on the same item? You can negotiate with the in-store representative or store manager to knock down the price. Plus, you can check for deals at other stores if the seller has a price match offer in place. Besides, asking for floor models or products with minor imperfections can also help you get a special price.

2.     Shop Online or Offline: When you visit a store in-person, you can touch and feel an item before buying. You can compare different materials, mix match items, and try products at an outlet. However, online shopping gives you access to a wider product range and comparison tools. Or you can check and shortlist products online before visiting a store to check the item in person to find the best.

3.     Check for Warranties and After-sale Service: Imagine walking out of the store with that A-America filson creek nightstand. Now, if you think you won’t need to contact the store again unless you need to shop again, you might be wrong. All products come with warranties that cover you for manufacturing faults and delivery (in-transit) defects. Buying with the right warranty will save you from headaches if you don’t get the right product.

4.     Sign Up for Offers and Alerts: That’s another way of getting good deals throughout the year. Sign up for promotional emails from brands you are willing to buy from. This allows you to find deals on specific products or categories as soon as they go live.

5.     Check for Other Sales and Deals: If you think the New Year sale is the last for the year, that’s correct. But that’s not the last sale out there. Stores usually change inventory as the new year begins. So, you can find more discounts on clearance items as the year changes on the calendar. Besides, there are other ways of getting exciting deals. If a brand is discontinuing some product, you might get an extra discount on the same.

6.     Bulk Buying Discounts and Freebies: When you are planning a complete makeover, you will need much more items than a regular shopper. And asking for an extra discount on bulk shopping can help you score extra savings. Besides, a store owner may happily offer small accessories and other items as freebies if you are buying in bulk. So, if you have any such plan, it’s better to discuss the same first.


Missed a Sale? Don’t Worry. You Can Still Find a Deal

Have you been longing to buy that Riverside Weatherford side table but couldn’t find the right deal? You can still find a good deal on your desired item after the sales period is over. Check out independent furniture retailers for deals and costs. While big-box stores and established brands put on sales during special occasions, local retailers might offer discounts the other part of the year. At times, local and independent retailers launch offers to tackle the lower revenue periods or to match with the local market’s flow. In addition, you may find attractive deals on off-season products at such outlets.

In short, there are lot more ways to save money and find the best deals during and after the New Year Sales. However, keeping a regular check, comparing, and negotiating can save you in almost all your shopping sprees.

Bergen Furniture & Design
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