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Premium quality Stainless steel wire rods

Timex metal
Premium quality Stainless steel wire rods

Stainless steel wire rods are thin round wires, rolled into a coil. Wire rods could be manufactured using various metals and metallic alloys. Alloys like Stainless Steel, Inconel, Monel and other materials may be used.

Timex Metals, based in Mumbai, is a leading Stainless Steel wire rod manufacturer in India. Each Stainless Steel wire rod manufactured in Timex’s facility, is stringently evaluated, qualitatively, for its strength, durability and finish.

We are an acclaimed wire rod supplier and wire rod exporter, both in India and globally. Our products surpass all national and international quality standards.

Contact us!

Phone: +917666859511

E-Mail: [email protected]

Product page: Stainless steel wire rod manufacturer

Website: https://timexmetals.com/

Address: 8, Old Hira Building, 1st Parsiwada Lane, Near Nanubhai Desai Road, Mumbai - 400004.

Timex metal
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