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Blue Pottery - 23 23 Designs

Blue Pottery - 23 23 Designs

23:23 Designs Supports a whole Village of Blue Pottery Artisans, at Kotjewar near Jaipur, creating delightful home décor products.


The Blue Pottery or Blue Glaze pottery is an ancient and unique craft practiced in India from time immemorial. Historically Jaipur city has evolved as the main center for producing the famous Blue pottery articles. Later it spread in small pockets around Jaipur. Kot Jewar became the next big center after Jaipur in producing Blue Pottery. Blue pottery as the name suggests is mainly made in blue color. But, with the changing time and availability of new colors, artisans are working using other colors too. The art derived its name from the eye-catching Persian blue color used in it.


The distinguishing factor which makes the craft of Blue Pottery different from any other pottery techniques being practiced around the world is that it is the only pottery technique that does not use clay. Also the blue color used in it makes it distinct in appearance. Originally blue and turquoise green colors were used on a white base. The pottery is semi translucent or opaque in nature. Blue pottery rarely develops crack due to continuous smoothing of the surface and low firing. It is suitable for daily use and is hygienic. Since it is fired at a very low temperature it makes it fragile.


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Please make note that Blue Pottery is very Different from Khurja Pottery, also they look quite similar. People in Jaipur are still practicing the traditional way while those in Khurja have moved on to make the base in red clay and then glazing it in vibrant colors.


Colors: Two types of colors are used in Blue Pottery

To know more: https://2323designs.in/blogs/craft/blue-pottery

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