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Balance Assessment and Fall Prevention Program

Maya Physio
Balance Assessment and Fall Prevention Program

If you're dealing with any type of balance issue, it may or may not be a result of certain orthopedic conditions, neurological disorders, or combination of various muscles, Joints and nerve involvements.

At Maya Physio, we do a full body assessment to diagnose the issues and figure out exactly what is causing your balance issue. We provide intensive one-on-one care to help them to achieve the greatest independence possible.

Did You Know?

  • At least one third of population over 65 years old has history of fall because of being imbalance
  • Number One reason for a doctor visit in patients over 75 is imbalance
  • Number One cause of fractures is falls
  • Majority of patients with Balance Disorders are diagnosed with some sort of Vestibular Dysfunction, especially in the elderly
  • Majority of individuals older than 60 years of age, experience dizziness or loss of balance, often on a daily basis.

Work With Our Clinic Today

Are you in need of physical care and are unsure where to go? Here at Maya Physio, we offer a Richmond Hill Fall Prevention Program for those who are in need of it. To find out more be sure to check out our website and get in touch with our front desk at 905-770-9292 today!

Maya Physio
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