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Conversion Rate Optimization For B2B

Ambitious Agency
Conversion Rate Optimization For B2B

Conversion rate optimization (CRO) is essential for successful B2B lead generation success. While many marketers focus on driving traffic to their website, CRO refers to the goals that you want your users to complete.  

A conversion goal can be anything you want, like: 

  • Signing up for a newsletter 
  • Booking an appointment 
  • Making an enquiry 
  • Speaking to a consultant 

Optimizing CRO ensures that your business is making tangible steps towards converting users to paying customers.  

 Optimizing your conversion rate is important because rather than focusing on driving traffic, optimizing conversions leads to more sales. Conversions show that a customer is making their way down the sales funnel. They are warming up and more likely to buy than a customer who hasn’t shown much interest in taking action. 


Getting clicks without making conversions can hurt your bottom line. Basically, you are spending money on traffic while missing out on sales. If you’re experiencing a lot of traffic but not conversions it could be because: 

1. You don’t know your audience well enough  

Many B2B companies have some idea of their audience but how accurate is it? Creating audience persons built on real data will help your business develop a better profile of what your clients are looking for and which features of your product or service they are most motivated by. 

 2. You’re acquiring the wrong traffic 

A sure way to get high traffic but low conversion is by advertising the wrong aspects of your business. On Google Ads, make sure your keywords match what your services are offering and reflects how your intended audience searches. 

 3. You don’t have a good user flow to encourage conversions 

 How your website is designed has a huge impact on whether your users will convert into paying customers or not. If your website is difficult to use, hard to find information on, or has bad user flow the more barriers a user has to reaching the next level of the marketing funnel.   

 4. You don’t nurture leads in the middle of the funnel 

 Nurturing leads in the middle of the funnel is paramount to getting more conversions, leads and sales. Even highly qualified leads won’t immediately purchase from your website on their first visit. You need to continue to warm them up and move them through the funnel through things like retargeting ads, email campaigns and social media ads. 

5. You’re not giving customers an offer or incentive to convert  

Savvy shoppers will usually look around at several website before making a purchase. Things like free shopping, discounts, free resources or samples, can be used as an incentive to encourage conversions. Take a look at your competitors to see what offers they are giving new customers and brainstorm ways you can make your offer more appealing. 

6. Your website or app is complex 

Did you know 40% of users will abandon a website in just three seconds. The easier it is for customers to navigate your site (and click the buy button) the more conversions you will experience. Site speed, navigation and user flow all contribute to having a good site.  

 7. You’re not testing  

 Tools like Hotjar can help you understand how users are navigating your site, where they are potentially ‘getting stuck’ and the barriers stopping them from making a purchase. Test your website can help discover what elements of your site are working on and which are just plain confusing. You should also be testing your digital ad copy through A/B testing to see which headings and copy converts the most. 

 8. You’re not copying what works 

Don’t feel like your business has to constantly reinvent the wheel when it comes to your digital marketing. Take a look at websites that you like and are the best in their industry and study what makes them great. Websites are more of a science than an art.  

9. Your brand and web design is letting you down 

Your brand messaging and look is just as important as your website. If your brand is looking a little stale the visual elements of your website could be turning customers away. Likewise, if your messaging is bland or doesn’t actively encourage users to connect with your values, your brand could be failing to help convert customers. 

10. Your content is lacking  

It wasn’t uncommon for older websites to be stuffed with information, so much so that users could easily feel overwhelmed at where to start. Today, some websites suffer from a lack of information. Minimal design and copy is a legitimate design style, however, it doesn’t mean you should skip giving users the information they need to make a purchase.  


1. Segment your audience  

If you’re not yet segmenting your audience, you need to start. It’s not enough to just have an email list. You should be segmenting your audience to boost conversion rate optimization. Why? People may sign up to your email list at different stages of the buying journey. Therefore, they need to be treated differently. A customer who has already bought from you should get different emails to a customer who is hesitant to make their first purchase.   

 2. Improve your pitch

Perfecting your elevator pitch can make all the difference to converting prospective customers into buyers. Why? Because your elevator pitch should be based on information that your customers find the most compelling. Figure out what your audience’s pain points are and how your product actively solves them. Include this information in your website and when promoting your products or services.  

3. Give customers social proof 

Case studies, testimonials, and other forms of social proof are so important to help convince customers they are making a good decision. How many times have you looked up reviews for a product or service to make sure other people also think it’s a good idea? Include reviews on your product or services page, testimonials on your home page and use customer feedback in your social media posts to foster trust.   

4. Offer a free trial 

If you can, offering a free trial can allow your customers to test-drive you product before they commit. A 7-day free trial could be all that’s needed to get more customers across the line. If you’re not able to offer a free trial, giving some sort of money-back guarantee can have the same effect. Spend time testing which approach works best to increase conversion rates  

5. Use remarketing 

Did you know about 97% of website visitors who visit your site for the first time leave without buying anything. That’s a whole lot of visitors that you should be targeting. According to MailChimp, “A good marketing rule of thumb to help customers make up their mind about purchasing is to ensure they hear your message at least 7 times.” Retargeting helps to build memorability in the minds of your customers, boosts visibility and allows you to reach an audience that are interested in your products.  

 6. Track your users’ movements 

Tracking customer movement is a marketing tactic that started in brick and mortar stores. Most stores are designed to maximize customer purchase behaviour, get customers in and move them around the store. On a website, you can record visitors’ mouse movements with the right software. Their mouse movements show you what they find interesting. 

7. Optimize your landing pages 

Landing pages are designed for conversions and are created with conversion rate optimization in mind. Your landing page content should centre around a specific demographic and pain point and illustrate how your product or service helps customers overcome this pain point. 

8. Use email marketing sequences to convert more customers  

Email marketing sequences are a great way to convert customers who are looking but not buying. Start with sending reminder emails about the products prospective customers have been looking at. Nurture campaigns are campaigns that send multiple emails to prospective customers over time. Each email can highlight a new feature, or angle of the product until a sale is made.   

Translating traffic into conversions and revenue isn’t always easy. At Ambitious Digital we have the tools, skills and software you need for conversion rate optimization for your business. Book a 30-minute consultation now to see how we can help convert more traffic into paying customers. 

Source URL:https://ambitious.nz/business/conversion-rate-optimization-for-b2b/

Ambitious Agency
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