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Largest Rice Exporter in Kerala

Largest Rice Exporter in Kerala

Pavizham Healthier Diet Pvt. Ltd is a reputed name in the FMCG industry in India. Having the major production plant in Koovappady, Kerala, the Pavizham group has established extensive control over the consumer goods production and distribution network all over the globe. The largest Rice exporter in Kerala.

The brand has today carved a niche in the minds of millions of Malayalees across the world by delivering the traditional taste through the selection, processing, and above all making it affordable. The high-end technology also enables the preservation of the nutritional value of rice.

The introduction of sophisticated technology to enhance productivity has supported the quality business development process. Over the two-decade, since it entered the food production industry, the Pavizham group has managed to achieve magnificent popularity and productive ability.

The widely accepted products and millions of satisfied customers are evidence of excellence. Noted as the largest Rice exporter in Kerala, Pavizham is winning markets all over the nation.

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