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How to Choose Impact Windows

Guardian Hurricane Protection
How to Choose Impact Windows

The threat of hurricanes is very real for Florida during the six-month long Atlantic hurricane season, which runs from June 1 until November 30. The peak of hurricane season occurs between mid-August and late October, when the waters in the equatorial Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico have warmed enough to help support the development of tropical waves.

Since 1850, all of Florida’s coastline has been impacted by at least one hurricane. With its long coastline and location, Florida frequently finds itself in the path of these intense storms. The southeast coastline is extremely susceptible to a land-falling hurricane, followed by the panhandle.

Installing hurricane impact windows can be a permanent solution to the ever-present problem of hurricane and tornadoes in Florida.

What are Impact Windows?

Impact windows are windows made with heavy-duty frames and laminated glass. Impact glass is created from two outer sheets bonded to a strong inner core. Combined with a special glazing that prevents the glass from breaking away from the frame, impact-resistant glass is designed to withstand winds up to 200 mph. 

Though impact-resistant glass may crack when impacted by a blunt force during a hurricane, the strength of the glass combined with the clear inner layer of polyvinyl butyral enables the windows to hold up without actually breaking.

How do hurricane windows work?

Impact windows are designed to resist the penetration of flying debris during a storm, thereby protecting a home or commercial structure from wind infiltration and resulting damages. Once a structure is compromised and penetrated by flying debris, internal pressure builds up, leading to serious structural damage.

To be qualified as an impact product, the window must meet hurricane or wind-borne debris codes from an approved body such as Miami-Dade, Florida Building or the International Building Code.

Are High Impact Windows Worth the Cost?

Knowing the safety, efficiency, and comfort benefits, is installing impact windows worth the cost? The price of installing high impact windows can range anywhere from $4,000 to $10,000, depending on how many windows your home requires. These upfront costs can be a high price tag for the peace of mind that high impact windows deliver. 

How to choose the right impact windows for your home?

If you’re ready to improve the safety and security of your property by adding impact windows, you'll need the following questions.

1. What are the types of impact windows do you need?

Discuss with your architect or engineer your window style for every room and section of your home.

Here are the types of impact windows:

2. Which frame materials and qualities are available?

There are three main options for impact windows: Aluminum, vinyl, and wood. But how do these hurricane windows compare and contrast with each other? Let’s take a deeper look.

3. What is the Impact Window Glass Options?

How to decipher the many kinds of hurricane windows glass options from which to choose?

Laminated: Two sheets of glass bonded together with a plastic film.

Insulated Laminated: An additional pane of glass is added to a laminated unit with hermetically sealed air space in between. Commonly used in colder climates where the temperature difference is greater than 50 degrees between inside and outside during the winter.

4. What is your city code? 

Cities and towns have different codes that must be followed when installing new impact-resistant windows. Both Federal and state governments have various codes that should be met when it comes to glass windows. Although the Federal building codes might be very generic, Florida building codes pay huge attention to hurricane and other storms. Most of the window manufacturers in Florida understand the local building codes and it would be better to buy from them.

Guardian Hurricane Protection
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