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Hey do you want to know how to Develop OLQs

Hey do you want to know how to Develop OLQs

There are in total 15 OLQs, which selection boards look for selecting a candidate, and consider them to be fit for joining the armed forces. One has to focus on all these qualities to imbibe by heart in order to achieve the uniform by becoming part of the prestigious organization Indian Armed Force. A candidate is assessed from the very first date and is checked if they have all these 15 OLQ or not. These cannot be pretended but have to be inculcated through daily life changes.


In an organization like defense forces, where a candidate is getting selected as a young officer who is going to lead 1000 of soldiers, he definitely needs to have good analytical skills, along with planning and organising capability. Let’s see what all it contribute to:

Effective Intelligence: This is WHAT for every question, situation or task given.This Quality reflects a person’s ability to think out of the box, with available resources to accomplish the task effectively. Example: To prepare a dish with available items in the kitchen, to save a life of a person with available resources like, first aid(in form of tying cloth to stop blood rush) or similar such real life incidents. What is actually required to be done to accomplish the task,what are the ways, possible solutions etc is given by this quality.

Reasoning Ability: This is HOW for every question, or task given.This quality helps a candidate to find the best solution in available options by using rational thinking for prioritising choices. Example: Choosing a course for career, by reasoning its usage, advantages for future, its daily life implementation, growth scope over the other , choosing a path out of two based on traffic, travel time, safety etc. A candidate can find the options through intelligence(theory+practical), how to implement that in the best suitable manner tells about the reasoning ability of the candidate, and is checked in every test of SSB.

Power of Expression(POE): Effective communication improves POE, Listening carefully is one of its core aspects. Candidate having an idea which he/she is not able to present is of now use, hence conveying your message in such a manner that its meaning is conveyed effectively to the recipient. Example: Written a very good story in PPDT but unable to express ideas during narration or GD, lacks POE, thus this OLQ plays a great contribution in candidate selection.


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