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6 Tips for Creating Mobile-Friendly Websites

6 Tips for Creating Mobile-Friendly Websites

Mobile-friendly websites are responsive websites that can be viewed in different screen sizes effortlessly. It is no more a trend but mandatory to stay in the rough online competition. There are a plethora of reasons to build a mobile-friendly website, the major reason is a big chunk of traffic comes from smartphone users or small screen devices. 

Thus the website designing company in Delhi has brought you some tips for creating responsive sites, which will improve the mobile user experience. 

1. Thumb Rules! 

The optimized mobile user experience delivering websites are those, which can be navigated easily with the help of just a thumb! The sites having such mobile-friendly web designs will for sure see traffic growth. Since it becomes easy for the users to scroll through the website. 

Another mobile-friendly web design, which will help you to create a thumb-scrolling website is a single-page website. It is comprehensive with all trendy web designs and also improves the mobile user experience. So we recommend you follow this tip to improve your website experience. 

2. Choose Responsive Theme:

If you are not creating a website through custom website development then the website design company in Delhi recommends you to make use of the responsive theme or template available on the CMS platforms like WordPress, here you get varieties and best templates, which are lightweight, flexible, and customizable. Hence, think twice before choosing the templates, even comparing the templates with each other. 

3. Simple Design Works! 

How aware are you of the minimalistic website? Nowadays minimalist website is performing well on the internet, also it is ranking high on the search engine. So to present the lightweight, fast loading, and engaging website. You must build simple mobile-friendly web designs. Avoid using unnecessary illustrations, images, animations. 

There are many simple (minimalistic) websites available online, you can check out some of the best work and inspire web designing from it. 

4.Short and Crisp Content: 

Along with the above tips, what can improve mobile user experience is chopping the content! Yes, keeping the content short and SEO-friendly will help your website to grow and engage the users. 

Make use of short paragraphs, use pointers to simplify the content to improve readability, remove unnecessary content, be direct, and use simple language. These are the few things you can follow to improve the content to go properly with the minimalistic template. 

5.Compress the Files: 

The visual content on the website and script files such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript should be compressed to make the website lightweight and load easily on small screen devices. It is another tip to enhance the mobile user experience. 

6.Design Mobile-Friendly Forms: 

Likewise, to create mobile-friendly web designs, you must create the forms on your website, which can be accessed and intuitive for the users. It will improve the lead rate along with traffic. So remember to build a simple responsive form on the website. 

Bonus tip: to improve the credibility of the form can be improved by testing the multiple forms, and high qualifying results should be considered to embed with the website. You can conduct A/B testing for the same. 


These are the few tips you should follow to build the best optimized mobile-friendly website that will enhance the mobile user experience and improve the chances of growth. However, the website designing company in Delhi hopes that this blog has helped you to create one. 

If you want to build a custom and unique mobile-friendly website, then you can choose to partner with the website design company in Delhi by connecting with us for free!

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