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Ask These Questions Before You Hire Home Care Services in Vancouver

Home Instead Senior Care
Ask These Questions Before You Hire Home Care Services in Vancouver

One of the most crucial decisions you'll ever have to make for your loved ones is finding the right home care service in Vancouver. You will have to look at various home care services, ethics, working, services they provide and most importantly, how they treat their patients.

Therefore, it is crucial that before you hire some service, you ask them a few questions for which they should give a proper and satisfactory answer. To help you with this, we have compiled a list of 22 questions that you must ask before you hire a Home Care Service in Vancouver.


Since home care services evolve, the workers should adhere to the federal and state guidelines. This will prevent misuse of patients' belongings and prevent fraud and abuse cases. You can ask these questions regarding compliance: -

  • Are your caretakers insured or bonded with your agency?
  • What privacy practices do you tend to provide?
  • Are your caretakers certified by Medicare and Medicaid?
  • Can I get a certificate of the same?
  • Supervising and taking care of the elderly

To determine whether you're comfortable with the care and supervision provided by the caretakers, you can ask the following questions: -

  • What is your action plan if the caretaker doesn't show up on time?
  • What would you do if my loved ones were not comfortable with the caretaker?
  • Will the same caretaker be appointed to tend to the needs of my loved ones every day?
  • Have your home care service received any awards showcasing the excellence of your services?
  • Will you send a new caretaker if my loved ones do not approve of the existing caretaker?
  • My loved ones prefer having someone with similar interests. Will you consider such special requests?

The hiring of the staff

The following questions will help you understand how the service hires their staff and what procedures they follow to dismiss their staff.

  • How do you hire the candidates?
  • How do you assess whether or not they are qualified to take care of the patient?
  • What does your pre-employment screening process look like?
  • How do you rate and evaluate the caretakers?
  • What kind of training do you provide to the staff?
  • Please walk me through the entire process of how you fired a caretaker
  • How does your staff respond to emergencies?
  • Do you mind giving 2-3 references?


Ask these questions beforehand so that you're ready when the bill arrives: -

  • Which company's insurance plans do you accept?
  • What services are included in your bills?
  • What expenses do you exclude?
  • Does your staff submit insurance claims to the company, or should I do it myself?


Before you hire the excellent caretakers from Home Instead, ask these questions. We always aim to provide our clients the best and most satisfactory answers.

Adam Jackson is the author of this article. For more details about Senior Living in Vancouver please visit our website: homeinstead.ca/location/3039

Home Instead Senior Care
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