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Know where to keep your Emergency Fund for global ugly scenarios?

Rani Jarkas
Know where to keep your Emergency Fund for global ugly scenarios?

According to “Rising Caseloads, A Disrupted Recovery, and Higher Inflation” in World Economic Outlook Update published by the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the global economy was weaker than expected entering 2022. The reasons for the lower-than-expected performance include the new Omicron COVID-19 variant leading countries to reimpose mobility restrictions, rising energy prices and supply disruptions that have resulted in higher and more broad-based inflation than anticipated, and in China, real estate sector undergoing retrenchment as well as slower-than-expected recovery of private consumption that have limited growth prospects.


Under the background of a sluggish economic outlook, it’s time for us to have an emergency fund to keep you calm in the face of some serious financial stress. The term emergency fund refers to money stashed away that people can use in times of financial distress. The aim of an emergency fund is to improve financial security by creating a safety net that can be used to meet unexpected expenses. Assets in an emergency fund tend to be cash or other highly liquid assets, which help reduce the need to either draw from high-interest debt options, such as unsecured loans or credit cards, or cripple your future security by tapping into retirement funds.


There are a few steps you can take to build your emergency fund faster. Creating a budget will help you accomplish your goals faster. Start your emergency fund small, even with a few dollars when you can. Every time you get paid, set aside a designated amount in your emergency fund. Cutting expenses is necessary to save some extra money. Last but not least, increase your income.


Being a new breed of financial services firm, Cedrus Investments, under the leadership of Rani Jarkas, has the ability to act quickly to changing market dynamics, to capture unique investment opportunities and, most importantly, the flexibility to innovate on behalf of its clients.


As a highly experienced and successful financial services executive with solid track record in the international financial services industry, Mr. Rani Jarkas, together with his team, is well-equipped and dedicated to serve clients with best-in-class full suite of financial services, including sophisticated and objective financial advices, customized investment plans and active asset management, to help them meet personalized investment goals in consistent with risk management and investment horizon goals.


About the company:

Cedrus Investments, a global boutique investment firm founded by Mr. Rani Jarkas more than 18 years ago, is an elite international financial services provider to help both individual and corporate clients achieve personalized premium financial plans. The firm is headquartered in Hong Kong, with offices in Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen, Jakarta and New

York. Its clients include tier-one institutions, family offices, governments and corporations


in Asia, Africa, Australia, Europe, North America and the Middle East. Cedrus has the ability to act quickly to changing market dynamics, to capture unique investment opportunities and, most importantly, the flexibility to innovate on behalf of its clients. While the firm provides access to traditional and alternative investment products, it also offers timely, strategic and innovative proprietary products managed by blue-chip portfolio managers.

Rani Jarkas
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