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Salesforce Certification in 2022 : A Few Important Things to Know

harmanjot singh
Salesforce Certification in 2022 : A Few Important Things to Know

Salesforce is the most rapidly growing customer relationship management platform. The popularity of salesforce can be attributed to the way it has managed to revolutionize business operations in the digital era. Not only has Salesforce demonstrated the ability to boost an organization's win rate, it has also shown to boost sales revenues by upto 30 percent. The meteoric popularity and rise of salesforce applications has made it one of the most sought after certifications at this point in time. A certification in salesforce can help you in a variety of different job roles and enable you to create an impressive CV. 

In this article, we will discuss some important points regarding salesforce and how a certification in salesforce will help you to build an impressive career in IT or business operations. 

Prerequisites for Salesforce certification 

There is a lot of doubt amongst people regarding the question of prior requirements or eligibility for salesforce certification. We would like to clear all misconceptions on this issue and tell you categorically that salesforce certification training is something that anyone can do. The only real requirement is that you keep an open mind and a diligent attitude to learn and brush up on your skills. 

Ofcourse, Salesforce certification does involve the learning of certain technical skills and tools, but the overwhelming focus is on developing a strong business sense. If you are looking to appear for the Salesforce developer 1 exam or even the app building training course, you do not have to worry about any special prerequisites. 

Cost of Salesforce Certification

There are various levels of certifications when it comes to the knowledge of salesforce operations. Based upon this costs also vary and this can create some confusion in the minds of prospective salesforce certification enthusiasts. The cost for salesforce certification courses ranges from $200 to $6000. Most of the certification in salesforce  will cost you around $200 to $400. As you get into more advanced courses after completion of the entry level courses then the cost of certification subsequently rises up. The most advanced certification in the salesforce domain is that of the Salesforce Technical Architect which costs $6000. 

Is Salesforce Certification Worth the Investment

As we have touched upon earlier already, the value of a salesforce certification programme has shot through the roof owing to the increased adoption of salesforce operations in major industries and diverse sectors. Based on analysis it has found that a salesforce certification can make it 2 to 3 times more likely to get connected with high profile recruiters. Especially, if you have a social media profile through which you apply for jobs on platforms like LinkedIn, a salesforce certification course can increase your chances of getting interviews with Fortune-500 companies.

Another reason why we consider Salesforce certifications to be of high value in this digital age is because of the adoption of salesforce applications beyond the traditional domain of IT. Salesforce is now considered to be an integral part of business operations in sectors as diverse as Media, Ecommerce, Hospitality, Finance and many more. 

Maintenance Standards in Salesforce Certifications 

One of the things that you should be aware of while considering applying for salesforce certification exams is that you need to constantly update in the development within salesforce. This means that a one time certification is not enough as salesforce is a rapidly evolving field and you should keep yourself well versed with all the emerging developments in Salesforce as that can have an impact on the quality of your interviews and job applications. 

Many salesforce professionals who are already working in the industry have spoken about the importance of taking courses on salesforce maintenance exams and modules that are aligned with the release cycles of Salesforce products. This will undoubtedly help you to get an advantage over others in a competitive job market. 

Avenues for Salesforce Certification Training 

Now that we have discussed some of the basics regarding Salesforce certifications and the increasing demand for skilled Salesforce professionals, let us move onto the avenues of Salesforce certification training. If you visit the official website of Salesforce at Salesforce.in, you will see that they offer both online as well as offline platforms through which interested individuals can get certifications in Salesforce. 

The online courses are a great way to get certification in salesforce by sitting at your home or even on the go during your travels. Furthermore, it is economical and thus provides added value in terms of cost and benefits. Janbask Training is one of the leading names in the domain of IT training and offers a plethora of courses on Salesforce operations that can help you to get SDFC certified. The company  has some of the best instructors in the business with actual proper industrial experience who will not only teach you the fundamentals of salesforce operations but also give you guidance on how to build an effective CV. Interview preparation is also something that is offered by Janbask Training as a part of its courses and these can prove invaluable to you long term success in the field of salesforce operations. 


In this article today, we have deep dived into the world of salesforce certifications and we tried to cover the topic in detail by giving you all the relevant information. It is clear from the above discussions that a certification in salesforce is definitely worth the investment if you are looking to make a mark in the world of digital business operations. The cost of certification is affordable and there are high quality training programmes designed by organizations like Janbask Training that offer you the opportunity to learn the intricate aspects of salesforce operations and applications. 

We hope that this article helps you to understand the world of salesforce operations in more detail and also enables you to appreciate the importance of quality salesforce certification training. We wish you all the best in your journey moving forwards and bid you farewell till we meet again.  


harmanjot singh
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