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ACL Reconstruction Cost in Singapore: What to Know Before You Make an Appointment

ACL Reconstruction Cost in Singapore: What to Know Before You Make an Appointment

The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is a knee injury that occurs in sportsmen due to their high degree of back-breaking activity. The damage is caused by the ripping of an anterior cruciate ligament (ACL).

One must get treatment from accredited hospitals under the supervision of highly qualified and experienced Orthopedic surgeons. However, ACL reconstruction cost in Singapore is determined by several factors, including the hospital you choose and the travel and healthcare package. 

The orthopedist monitors the patient, who administers the anaesthetic during the ACL surgery. You should be aware that it takes approximately 2 to 3 hours to complete. If you are considering having this operation, you should be aware that you will need to set aside a 9 to 10 month recuperation period before returning to your typical daily activities.

Prepare to engage in intense physical therapy to rebuild regular muscle strength. 

In Singapore, what is the average cost of ACL reconstruction?

Doctors in Singapore are highly skilled and knowledgeable about ACL surgery. In Singapore, the number of ACL Reconstruction operations are in the millions. In addition, Singapore is one of the places where you may undergo ACL Reconstruction surgery at a very affordable cost. Compared to western countries such as the United States of America and Canada, Singapore offers the same level of medical service excellence and top-notch medical facilities to medical tourists seeking affordable ACL Reconstruction surgery in Singapore with the same or better service excellence than western countries. 

Why Is Singapore So Unique When It Comes To Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Surgery Treatment?

Singapore is littered with prestigious hospitals and healthcare institutes that offer low-cost treatment while also guaranteeing that medical tourists receive the attention they require on a shoestring budget.

Because of the high level of treatment for ACL surgery, many western medical tourists consider Singapore to be the best place to get the best medical care under the supervision of skilled and qualified specialists. 

If you're trying to wrap your brain around the concept that "LOW PRICE" means "cheap," reconsider because Singapore's currency is weak in comparison to the currencies of most European and Western nations.

As a result, when international medical tourists travel to Singapore for ACL Surgery, they will see that the cost of ACL Reconstruction surgery is relatively low, especially when compared to the quality of the patient receives.

The ACL reconstruction surgery in Singapore varies between USD 3500 and USD 4500.

The average length of stay in the hospital is five days, and the average length of stay outside the hospital is 12 days. 

What additional factors influence the price of ACL surgery in Singapore?

As we stated, ACL surgery in Singapore is conducted under anaesthesia – whether in America, Singapore, India, the United Arab Emirates, Thailand, or any other destination. However, you must be aware that an ACL surgery performed under anaesthesia will cost you more, whilst an ACL surgery performed without anaesthesia will cost you less. 

Furthermore, if a last-minute emergency occurs during the procedure or surgery, you must be prepared to spend additional funds. Did we mention that the geographic area where your ACL Reconstruction Surgery will be performed, such as the hospital, personnel, and doctors, plays a role in the entire surgery cost? 

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