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Why you Should Opt to Recycle your Mattress in Vancouver

Why you Should Opt to Recycle your Mattress in Vancouver

There's no doubting the fact that a good quality mattress will last for years. However, it does require servicing after several years in service, just like any other home appliance.

Even though buying a new mattress is an easy task, disposing of the old one safely can become a headache. But you don't have to worry as there is plenty of mattress pick-up and recycling services that can do the task for you. 

Consumers often ask about the advantages of Cheapest recycling mattresses in Vancouver, BC, and the benefits are truly boundless. Here's all you need to know. 

What are the advantages of recycling your mattress in Vancouver?

Every year millions of mattresses are bought globally, and thousands of mattresses are also discarded annually. This obviously isn't good news for people's pockets and the environment in general. 

Mattresses occupy a mammoth amount of space, and around one and half billion feet of landfill space is taken up by them each year. In addition to this, they are made up of both organic and inorganic matter. Even though the organic ones break down within a few years, the synthetic materials present in the mattresses might take decades before they break down.

That's not all; mattresses also contain certain chemicals like bleaches and dyes that are known to cause ground pollution. These chemicals are quite toxic in nature and harm animals and the growth of plants.

Even though landfill sites have taken the required steps to limit the harmful effects of chemicals on the environment, ecosystems continue to get contaminated and destroyed.

Which parts of the mattress are eligible to recycle?

There are certain parts and areas of a mattress that qualify for the recycling stage. These parts include:

• Metal Springs - The metal springs present in the mattresses are melted down to create various light iron-based products and scrap.

• Wadding - It is used to describe the mattress filling and is used in plenty of ways as per the material in usage. For instance, polyester wadding can be used in the fibre bending industry, which is further re-used in cushions and different soft assortments.

• Mattress covering - Mattress covers can be found in a variety of qualities; however, the selection of the scale's better end can be re-used in a number of different ways. Due to the fear of contamination, the fibres are usually processed as refused fuel.

Bottom Line

Mattresses play an important role in our lives. One need to replace them at some point in time to avoid unwanted discomfort. However, while replacing your mattress, it is important to make sure that you recycle them in Vancouver, BC, the right way.

Simon Clarke is the author of this article. To know more about Best Sofa Removal Company in Vancouver please visit our website: junkyardangel.ca

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