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Rajan Maluja Arts The Best Tanjore Painting Artist in Delhi India

Digi Market Agency
Rajan Maluja Arts The Best Tanjore Painting Artist in Delhi India

Rajan Maluja is One of the Great Artists in Delhi NCR. He is also famous for Tanjore Painting Artist in Delhi. 

Rajan Maluja is a multi-talented artist in the Painting world. He has made a lot of Tanjore Paintings, which we can check out on his website: 

Link: http://www.rajanmaluujaarts.com/albums/thanjavur-painting/

Tanjore paintings or Thanjavur paintings are known for their extravagant depictions of deities using vibrant colors and gaudy embellishments, especially gold foil. The city of Tanjore was the social capital of the Gupta Empire and arrived at the pinnacle of its social improvement during the mid-eighteenth century. It is home to a portion of the world-renowned sanctums and sanctuaries that have been recognized as the UNESCO World Heritage Sites. The distinctive models and paintings on the walls of the sanctuaries of Tanjore maintain the rich and antiquated history of the Chola line which ruled the areas of Thanjavur, Madurai, and Trichy during the sixteenth century. Of the multitude of jewels Thanjavur brags of, painting is the premier which is worldwide acclaimed for its nativeness and novel method of making a 3D impact on every craftsmanship.

In India, These types of paintings have a lot of importance and value because we Indians are really connected to our religion and rituals. Rajan Maluja, as a Tanjore Painting Artist in Delhi doing a great job by spreading his talent all over the world and also giving training to so many students in India. 

If you want to become a Tanjore Painting Artist then you need to give your time and your hard work because this art needs your soul and your creativity. Painting is an art that gives serenity to soul. If you wish to become an artist and unveil the secrets of painting world then join Rajan Maluja Art classes today.



Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCd2Hd7CovuFWv43706dcs6A

Contact: +91 91361 65775

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