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What is E-Challan System

Nalini Sharma
What is E-Challan System

With the increasing number of traffic violations on the roads, it was critical for the traffic department to establish a simple and effective method of imposing fines on violators. The e-challan system is similar to a traffic department's official paper notice that is used by traffic cops to prosecute those who disobey traffic laws on the road.

The -challan or electronic form of challan payment has been designated as an official notice under the 1988 Motor Vehicles Act. The computerised driving challan makes it simple to send out penalty notices on a big and exact scale, which was difficult and time-consuming in the manual method. The e-challan monitors the CCTV cameras set around the country and operates autonomously. 

The footage from CCTV cameras, which is kept in an app, may be downloaded on the mobile phones of traffic cops, who can then issue tickets to anybody who breaks the law, even if they are not there.

Along with making it simple to issue challans rapidly using electronic means, the e-challan also makes it simple for rule offenders to pay their fines through the internet. As a result, the e-challan has considerably improved the traffic system's ability to manage regulations efficiently.

Since the Indian traffic authorities implemented the e-challan system, traffic operations have become much more efficient and seamless. Continue reading Paybima blogs to learn more about the E- Challans.

Nalini Sharma
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