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Aircon service Appointment $30 Call 65 90098748

Aircon service Appointment $30 Call 65 90098748

Aircon servicing Singapore: surecool aircon provide fast, reliable and professional aircon services, contact us for any repair or maintenance service.Our team is fully trained and licensed to perform regular maintenance as well as troubleshoot problems with your AC unit. In addition to providing replacement parts to repair your system, We are providing the following services: 1) Regular Servicing 2) Chemical Cleaning and Washing 3) Troubleshooting, Repair and Replacing Faulty Parts 4) Overhaul 5) Installation 6) Dismantling aircon.  Surecool is a company that provides heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) maintenance in Singapore. Our mission is to be your No. 1 HVAC service provider by providing personalised, comprehensive and professional services at competitive prices. Contact us for your aircon servicing needs today! Aircon servicing singapore and Aircon maintenance singapore has always been keep customer happy with our professional technician. We provide the most affordable rate and the best service quality among all Singapore aircon servicing company surecool is one of the leading aircon servicing companies in Singapore. With a team of highly skilled technicians, extensive networks with major air conditioner brands/manufacturers and suppliers, we are able to provide a wide variety of aircon models and service packages at one of the most competitive rates in Singapore.

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Enquire Book now 65 90098748


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