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AME CET offered Flight Engineer Course -AME CET

Nidhi Shukla
AME CET offered Flight Engineer Course -AME CET

AME CET(Aircraft Maintenance Engineering Common Entrance Test) is a national level common entrance test for pursuing aviation courses. They offers license courses, engineering courses,certificate courses and graduation courses in aviation.

Eligibility of pursuing flight engineering course

  • A candidate who has passed the 10+2 examination or appearing 10+2 with the Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics (PCM) or Physics, Chemistry, Biology (PCB) stream from any recognized board.
  • A candidate who has completed three years approved diploma in any of the streams is eligible for admission to the AME course.
  • Candidate age must be between 16 to 28 years.
  • The candidate does not have color blindness.
  • The candidate does not have any physical disabilities.

AME CET Scholarship


Aircraft Maintenance Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, Aeronautical Engineering, Pilot, BBA in Aviation, etc. These are the courses which is offered in AMECET exam.

Nidhi Shukla
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