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How to Optimize Your Health for Better Brain Function?

Mark David
How to Optimize Your Health for Better Brain Function?

If you want to live a long life, you will have to make sure your brain stays in top shape. There are numerous ways to optimize your health for better brain function so that it supports your everyday work and personal needs. Your brain should be bursting with information by the end of this post.

Quality Sleep

Sleep is your brain's best friend. The more sleep you get, the sharper and more accurate you will be across various tasks. Quality sleep also helps improve memory and supports creative problem-solving. Many studies show why optimizing your sleep schedule is essential for good mental health.

How much should I be sleeping? The amount of sleep needed depends on age, but in general, it's recommended to get at least seven hours per night. You can improve the quality of your sleep by following a few simple steps:

Avoid using electronics in bed — they stimulate the mind and make it harder to fall asleep. If you have trouble falling asleep without checking your phone, try downloading an app that blocks blue light to make reading easier on your eyes (and brain).

Keep a consistent bedtime routine — this conditions your mind for rest before bedtime comes around. Allowing yourself one hour to wind down before hitting the sheets will help relax both body and mind so you can drift off into restful slumber easily and naturally.

Dim lights or turn them off — this cues the body to start releasing melatonin, which helps regulate our circadian rhythm (basically telling us when it's time for bed).

Balanced Diet

Stay on a balanced diet. In addition to keeping your body healthy, maintaining a balanced diet is also good for your brain. You'll want to keep your sugars and fat intake low and try to eat lots of foods rich in antioxidants and essential fatty acids. The nutrients found in green leafy vegetables, berries, beans, nuts, fish and whole grains promote balance in the body and help you sustain energy for improved mental focus.

Some foods that you might consider adding to your diet include salmon (for omega-3s), berries (for flavonoids), dark chocolate (for flavonoids), walnuts (for omega-3s), cocoa powder (for flavonoids) or green tea (for polyphenols). Foods you may want to avoid include fried foods, processed meats or refined sugars.

Remember to practice portion control as well! Overeating any one food group can lead to an imbalance in the body's chemical makeup. For example, here is a sample menu for one day: Breakfast - eggs with spinach; Lunch - Greek salad with salmon; Snacks - dark chocolate covered almonds or red grapes; Dinner - baked chicken with roasted broccoli.

Optimize Hormone Levels

Test your hormone levels. Two common hormones that affect brain function are estrogen and testosterone. Women should aim to keep their estrogen in balance concerning progesterone, while men should strive to maintain adequate testosterone levels.

Test your vitamin D blood levels. Vitamin D deficiency is an epidemic in our culture and has been linked to almost all chronic diseases and conditions, including dementia and Alzheimer's.

Check your vitamin B12 level. If you are over 50 years of age, have a vegetarian diet, and take antacids or heartburn medications (such as proton pump inhibitors), you will want to test your B12 level because these put you at risk for a deficiency of this vital nutrient necessary for proper brain function.

Test for magnesium, zinc, iron, iodine and selenium deficiencies; copper overload; chromium imbalance

Exercise Regularly

Exercise is a crucial part of brain health – it's not just for your heart and body.

Aerobic exercises like running, swimming and cycling help you build brain cells (neurons) and improve cognitive function, says Dr Merzenich. Exercise also helps to increase the blood supply to the brain and helps regulate stress hormones like cortisol, which can harm nerve cells over time if produced in excess. When you exercise, neurons are activated, creating new connections between nerve cells.

Another way exercise works as a brain booster is by decreasing cortisol levels in your body (too much cortisol has been linked to memory loss). Cortisol can reduce the survival rate of new neurons in the hippocampus (the part of our brains involved with long-term memory). The more you exercise, the less cortisol your body produces.

Manage Stress

When you're stressed, your weight will invariably suffer. After all, who wants to eat when they're feeling anxious? To combat stress and maintain a healthy body weight, consider yoga or meditation. These exercises are often used in conjunction with one another and can help keep you refreshed, reinvigorated, and ready for anything that comes your way.

While there are tons of great apps out there like Headspace and Calm that can guide you through the process of relaxing, nothing is quite as effective as sitting quietly and focusing on your breath. Find a comfortable spot where you won't be disturbed for at least 20 minutes. If possible, sit cross-legged on the floor; otherwise, feel free to sit in a chair with your feet planted firmly on the ground. Now close your eyes and breathe deeply from your belly through your nose. Continue this practice for 3-5 minutes until you feel relaxed enough to move on to the next step of meditation!

Use Neuroenhancing Nutrients and Supplements

You can also use a wide variety of high-quality supplements to help promote optimal cognitive function. Certain nutrients and herbal supplements can help boost neurotransmitter production, enhance blood flow to the brain, increase cerebral energy metabolism and protect neurons from oxidative damage.

Quality: The quality of supplements is highly variable. You should always do your research and buy products from reputable brands with superior quality control standards.

Dosage: Start with the recommended dosages on the product's label, or follow your healthcare practitioner's recommendations. Taking too much of some nutrients (e.g., vitamin B6) can lead to side effects such as nerve pain or skin problems.

Side Effects: Some people may experience side effects when they take certain supplements; caffeine-related products can cause jitters or anxiety in sensitive individuals. If you experience any unwanted side effects when taking any supplement, discontinue use immediately and consult your healthcare practitioner if symptoms persist.

Mark David
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