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Buy Sterling Silver Turquoise Ring at Wholesale Prices from Rananjay Exports.

jesmine eva
Buy Sterling Silver Turquoise Ring at Wholesale Prices from Rananjay Exports.

The turquoise stone is known for peace, luck, and good fortune for the wearer. So adding a turquoise ring to your gemstone jewelry collection can enhance the beauty of your wardrobe. In addition, it is also helpful to get healing and spiritual benefits. Turquoise is mined from Afghanistan, Egypt, China, etc. It comes in blue blue-green color and rates between 5 to 6 on the Mohs scale for hardness. In addition, it is a December birthstone, so you can gift a turquoise ring to your loved one if their birthday falls in December. To know more about turquoise gemstone jewelry, explore the website of Rananjay Exports, an authentic manufacturer and supplier. 

jesmine eva
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