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6 Ways to Sideline Sugar and Protect Your Children’s Teeth

Ashton Avenue Dental Practice
6 Ways to Sideline Sugar and Protect Your Children’s Teeth

Children love sugary food like candies, gummies, ice-creams, chocolates, cookies, etc. But do you know what it can do with your kids’ teeth? According to the latest National Child Oral Health Study, nearly half of the children have experienced tooth decay by the age of 9–10.

The correct formation of baby teeth in children is important for jaw growth, appearance, speech and most importantly to keep spacing for children’s adult teeth to grow. Baby teeth are replaced by adult teeth at times that are specific to each child. Unfortunately, baby teeth lost early because of tooth decay is the leading cause for crowding of the teeth.

We have team of amazing childrens dentist to offer you the best dental care for your children’s teeth at Ashton Avenue Dental Practice. Feel free to contact our Claremont dentist today for further information

Ashton Avenue Dental Practice
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