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What is React JS, and what are the languages one must know before learning React JS?

Ritu ramanath lagad

ReactJs is a JavaScript library which is develop by Facebook.

Main advantage of using ReactJs is that React is working on Virtual Dom. But Other Library work on Real dom which make an application slow as compare to application create in ReactJs.

Things you need to Learn before ReactJs is as follow

1. First of all you need a dedication to learn new things. If you delicately learn ReactJs than you easily learn JavaScript with in 1 or 2 Month.

2. You need to learn basic of HTML because JSX ( JavaScript XML ) syntax is same as HTML.

3. If you are interested in styling and desiging a website than you need to learn CSS. In some company they hire different people to write Css and React.

So, it’s totally dependent on you and your interest.

4. You need to learn Javascript and ES6 ( ECMAScript 6 ).

ReactJS is an open-source JavaScript library structured by Facebook for making rich and drawing in web applications quickly and productively with insignificant coding. The centre goal of ReactJS is giving the most ideal rendering execution. Its quality originates from the emphasis on singular segments. Rather than dealing with the whole web application, ReactJS permits an engineer to separate the complex UI into more straightforward parts.

Uses of ReactJS and its popularity

While different advances, for example, Angular were accessible when Facebook created ReactJS, most engineers had to do a great deal of coding. Designers utilizing different systems have the test of improving on most codes in any event, while making parts that changed habitually. What they needed was a structure that could permit them to separate complex segments and reuse the codes to finish their tasks quicker.

Expansive support. Not only does Facebook publish extensive documentation on the framework they created, third-party developers also create and maintain documentation for packages built with react.

Ritu ramanath lagad
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