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The Effects of Long-Term Caregiver Stress

Home Instead Senior Care
The Effects of Long-Term Caregiver Stress

It is natural for children to take on the role of a primary caregiver to their aging or sick parent. But although you would want to provide the best care to your senior loved one, it can also take a toll on you.

Caregiver stress is a common problem experienced by those people who take care of their senior loved ones with little to no help. According to studies, the following are some of the long-term effects of dealing with caregiver stress:

1. Exhibiting depressive symptoms

Depression is a common problem experienced by many people who are in charge of providing care to their senior loved ones. When your time is spent only on taking care of your senior loved one and you no longer do the things that you love to do, it can weigh down on you and make you feel sad and depressed.

Studies even say that people who have suffered from depression brought about by long-term caregiving experience their symptoms long after they no longer provide caregiving services to their senior loved ones.

2. Limitations when it comes to functions

It affects the body as well. You might find yourself unable to perform to the fullest because the body is not capable of doing it. Some people might experience poorer health which can prevent them from actively taking part in society.

3. Poor immune functions

Chronic stress leads to weaker immune functions. If you notice that you have been getting sick a lot more often, it’s most likely because your stress levels are high. A high level of cortisol in the body can prevent your immune system from working properly, hence making you more susceptible to illnesses.

4. Predisposition to obesity

Stress can also affect your metabolic functions. Because of that, your body might not function properly when it comes to burning fats for energy and this can lead to obesity. However, some people might also experience excessive weight loss. This is true, especially for those who also experience depression.

5. Memory issues

Chronic stress affects the brain more seriously than many people realize. When you lack sleep and your cortisol levels are high all the time, your brain could suffer from a cognitive decline. You might find yourself with poorer memory functions as a result.

What can you do? Getting additional help through home care service in Vancouver can help. Recognize that you need help and that you can’t do this alone. It takes a village to provide the Best home care service in Vancouver to a senior who needs it. There is nothing wrong with getting home care service in Vancouver.

You can personalize the home care service in Vancouver that you will get to suit the needs of your senior loved one. This is why you should get the help of experts in the industry such as Home Instead.

Adam Jackson is the author of this article. For more details about Tips for Managing Alzheimer’s and Dementia Symptoms Video Series please visit our website: homeinstead.ca/location/3039

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