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How to Get BIS Certificate For Import

Shivendra Kumar
How to Get BIS Certificate For Import

Want to know how to get BIS certificate for import? Click here and get all your concerns solved. Well, as the product is being imported into the Indian market, foreign manufacturers must ensure that a product meets the standards of BIS, not of their domestic country.

In the year January 2021, India’s total value of merchandise imports stood at USD 41.99 billion, however, it was USD 41.51 in January 2020 - reflecting the increase in import by 2.05%. The increment in India’s merchandise imports can be seen clearly, to import products in India, a product needs to meet certain standards established by the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS)

Now, the question is how to get BIS certificate for import?

Before moving forward to the above-mentioned question, let’s have a look at what is a BIS? 

BIS is a National Standard Bodyestablished under the BIS Act, 2016 with the fundamental motive to ensure the harmonious development of standardization, marking, and quality certification of products. Moreover, the motive of BIS is to provide traceability and tangibility benefits to the Indian economy. 

It begs a question, which standards will be applicable to a product?

Well, as the product is being imported into the Indian market, foreign manufacturers must ensure that a product meets the standards of BIS, not of their domestic country.

Keeping the importance of the BIS certificate in mind to import products in India, let’s move to why do importers need a BIS certificate?

  • A BIS certificate is a mark of safety and conformity, which ensures that a product is safe for the final consumer, which constitutes one of the major reasons to obtain a BIS certificate.
  • If your product falls under the mandatory product category, it is obligatory to obtain a certificate without which your product will be debarred in the Indian market. 
  • Be it toys, batteries, cattle feed, kitchen appliances, or any other products under the purview of BIS, an importer can enjoy a competitive advantage over its competitors by obtaining a BIS certificate.
  • A BIS certificate serves as a mark of a high standard or quality product because it reflects that a product is tested and has met the established standards. 
  • Easy market access is one of the most important advantages of a BIS certificate. 

Shivendra Kumar
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