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Signs You Should Need a Cosmetic Dentistry

Ashton Avenue Dental Practice
Signs You Should Need a Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic dentistry is the process of correcting dental anomalies to enhance the appearance of a smile, as well as the functionality of teeth. A small procedure such as teeth whitening can also make a huge difference in your smile. A cosmetic dentistry procedure can also help solve some of the most pressing issues related to your oral health apart from enhancing the aesthetic aspects of your smile. 

Cosmetic dentistry is the process of correcting dental anomalies to enhance the appearance of a smile, as well as the functionality of teeth. Dental anomalies are the conditions that stop your teeth from looking and performing their best. The most common types of dental anomalies include:

  • Chipped or broken tooth
  • Missing teeth
  • Chipped or broken tooth filling
  • Misaligned or crooked teeth
  • Discoloured teeth

At Ashton Avenue Dental Practice, we make sure our patients are comfortable and even go out of our way to help them. Visit our Claremont clinic to know more about how you can rid of the dental anomalies that hinder your path to being happy. 

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Ashton Avenue Dental Practice
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