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Premium Motorcycle Boots

Orazo Safety

These are the biking boots in India for several hours at a stretch. With your trouser ends tucked into the boot neck you will be safe from hazards like flying grit, hot sand, or pebbles. With the standard water-resistant version, water from mountain streams or puddles will simply run off the exterior of the rider boot without wetting your feet inside.

This is a 12” best motorbike boots fitted with a light reflector shin and ankle guard at the heel side for added safety.

Riding boot in India upper made of water-resistant and breathable leather and fabrics. The Anti-fungal latex In-socks help to keep feet cool & dry on long rides. These are well-designed flex point that makes it comfortable to walk & provide support to feet at odd positions.

Orazo Safety provides best riding boots all over India.

Orazo Safety
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