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Hair Transplant Before And After: What You Should Know

Hair Transplant Before And After: What You Should Know

Hair transplants are medical surgeries that include the transfer of hair follicles from one region of the body, known as the “donor site,” to the other, referred to as the “receiver site.”

Male pattern baldness is the most common indication of this therapy.

While no operation is painless and some temporary discomfort is to be expected, hair transplantation is often a pleasurable and uncomplicated process for most patients suffering hair loss.

The hair transplantation results are often noticeable after six months and will continue to improve after one year.

If your transplant is successful, you will experience the procedure’s benefits in the summer or autumn. This is when you want to look your best for a wedding season, holiday, or any other occasion.

If you are reading through this article, you think of having a hair transplant. Let’s not discuss everything here in the introductory part! We have arranged a more detailed review of hair transplants and their surprising effect comparing post and pre-haired transplants.

Without any further ado, let’s get started;

Types of Hair Transplants

There are three types of hair transplant methods. The best option for you will depend on your individual needs and your physician’s recommendations. Let’s get to know them;

Follicular unit extraction (FUE hair transplant)

The doctor will use a small punching instrument to extract follicles from the donor area.

While this still results in a scar, it will be less apparent, and the person will often not need sutures. FUE includes extracting the hair follicles from a donor’s site and transferring them to form a more extensive, natural hairline.

This approach removes longitudinal scars and specialized treatment of the wound while the detailed FUE procedures take time in surgery. FUE hair transplantation also tends to minimize downtimes and pain after the treatment.

Follicular Unit Transplant (FUT) Method

The FUT hair transplantation procedure involves removing a strip of skin from the donor’s hair follicles site, usually the back of your head. This skin is removed and primed for transplantation in small tissue groups containing hair follicles.

The easiest way to cover a hairline affected by masculine style shallowness is to undergo surgery. During FUT surgery, a surgeon cuts a skin layer out from the back portion of his head and harvests individual hair glands. The follicles are then incorporated into your scalp’s balding areas.

Usually, FUT is less costly than the FUE phase, which is similar.

Follicular unit strip surgery (FUSS) Method

The surgeon takes a skin strip from the donor region and stitches the incision in this method. A microscope can split the donor skin into smaller follicular units containing one or more hair follicles and put them on the target location.

It entails collecting and transferring a thin strip of healthy hair-bearing skin from a ‘permanent’ region of the scalp to an area of hair loss (‘non-permanent).

FUSS needs medium ability, which takes less than FUSS but notes that if the surgeon has the advanced professional expertise, FUSS will yield excellent outcomes.

To Do’s For Pre-Surgical Hair Transplant

You have to go through some essential procedures before having a hair transplant surgery. Below we have elaborately described the procedures. 

Take a shower and wash your hair with shampoo. Instead of eating hard food, eat oats with bread and butter or orange juice. Bring in your meal if you have unique nutritional requirements. Do not drink caffeine or soda before your visit.

Don’t consume ALCOHOL 14 days before the operation. No deviations or cancellations can be expected from your surgery. Don’t forget to wear a baseball cap or an elastic open back after the operation. Also, wear an old T-shirt during the process, which you can throw away if it gets dirty.

Keep taking any medicines prescribed by your physician. Ensure you have a copy of it before your day of operation to get medical approval from your doctor. If this is not accomplished, the treatment will be discontinued, and the first payout may be lost.

To Do’s For Post-Surgical Hair Transplant

You have to abide by some post-surgical hair transplant rules like the pre-operation methods. Let’s have a look at them;

Hair transplantation does not usually involve heavy sedation, but it’s safer not to operate under its influence if you have taken a sedative. Consider sleeping with your head lifted for the first seven days, as swelling may occur. After your surgery, let someone drive you home.

It will last just a few days for most patients and never have any negative experience. To avoid swelling, use ice above the eyebrows on the 3rd or 4th day of the postoperative procedure. Be very careful for the first five days when washing your hair.

Apply your hair dye immediately before your operation. Do not massage too hard and blast the water stream on your scalp directly. Because for four additional weeks, you may not have the permission to do it.

Hair transplant side effects

Of course, you will have surgery, and you will have to face some side effects. Here are some side effects that may occur after having a hair transplant surgery;

  • Pain and swelling

After the operation, some people will have discomfort as their skin heals. Your doctor may prescribe pain medication to assist you. As your skin heals, you may experience swelling in your head and face. In certain situations, the edema is so severe that the patient cannot open his eyes. Ecchymosis of the eyes is an uncommon complication (black eyes).

  • Bleeding

Hair transplantation requires slicing or cutting the skin. A surgeon removes the donor’s follicles and makes tiny incisions on the scalp to position the strands in the scalp.

There is a chance of infection or too much bleeding for any incision. The night after an operation or a few days after it, bleeding will occur. This nearly always stops when you exert a steady 15-minute pressure on the field. Push firmly yet softly to prevent the intervening greys from dislodging.

  • Scars

The donor area and the transplant area are both at risk of scarring. Anyone who wishes to have the operation should talk to his surgeon about these dangers. Also, we discuss everything you need to know about hair transplant scar.

The FUSS method typically leaves a long, longitudinal scar, through which a scalp strip is removed. The new hair grows over this scar, so it may become camouflaged. However, it can be seen if it gets wider during recovery if the hair around it is thin or if the person has a short style.

With FUE hair transplantation, no strip is removed, and each follicle is removed with a small, round operating punch. This means that no linear scar occurs. Patients are typically free to shorten their hair as long as the total follicular units are reduced, without significant cosmetically impacts on their donor region. 

  • Losing sensation

It is important to remember that some numbness is normal and not cause for concern after hair transplantation. However, long-term complications like persistent numbness at the incision sites.

In some instances, the sensation to return to the skin can take six months. It takes time to get back and feel so relaxed.

Final Words

Hair Transplantation has become one of the essential procedures for many people. Losing hair reduces your confidence, and you have all the right to get it back.

In this article, we have tried to provide you with the necessary information you may need to prepare yourself for a hair transplant. We hope you have enjoyed the procedures that have been given. Please let us know your thoughts in the comment section.

Original Source:- https://bit.ly/3PjwWRV

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