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UK Global Talent Visa

Themis Technologies

Global Talent Visa comes with many benefits over its counterpart, the Tier 2 'Skilled Worker Visa':

  • Fastest Settlement Route: Successful applicants can apply for Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR) within three years and ultimately, British Citizenship within four years
  • Numerous advantages for the family: Advantages for individuals and their partners and their dependants wishing to establish in the UK
  • Exempted from the entry requirements: Language tests, Minimum salary thresholds and Minimum fund maintenance
  • You do not need a sponsor: You don't need a job/company sponsorship to come to the UK, you can stay in the UK without a job, you are allowed to do any job, you can enter and leave the UK anytime, and as many times you wish.
  • Freedom of choices: Change roles and join organisations without permission from the Home Office, enter self-employment, set up your company and earn additional income from consultancy or other sources which may or may not relate to the field
  • Most attractive benefits: No cap on the number of visas granted, choose the length of your visa, renew multiple times, fast career growth, free access to broader exceptional talents and global leaders’ network, inexpensive process, highly flexible as per your needs, Fast Track Option available, and absences are allowed in the context of applications for settlement.

The Global Talent Visa is a very competitive visa that requires professional expertise to acquire. Themis Technologies has a proven track record of guiding applicants into the UK and has assisted many extraordinarily brilliant and well-known applicants in the digital technology industry to settle in the UK via the Global Talent Visa.

If you would like to get more information on the Global Talent Visa, please email us at [email protected] or drop a message on our WhatsApp number at +44 7459 946660. For more information, you can also visit us at www.themistl.co.uk

Themis Technologies
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