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Plastic – Reduce, Reuse and Recycle | CIOLOOK

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Plastic – Reduce, Reuse and Recycle | CIOLOOK

Walking down the memory lane of our daily routine, one might find that the maximum products utilized have the usage of plastic in almost every daily chore that we do. Be it the packaged product or using bin bags in your kitchen, avoiding plastic has not only become difficult but also almost irreplaceable. In such a scenario, it has become important to be sensitive to the drastic results of such usage.

Knowing the upheaval of the environment caused by the transition of the Covid pandemic, the world has realized that, eco-friendly products can culminate many traumatic disasters that humankind has been facing gradually. Understanding such discrepancies, many businesses and NGO forums are looking out for new ways of reducing plastic usage. But, is it just the production that holds the responsibility of being sensitive towards the environment?

The probable answer to such an intriguing question would be No, it’s a collective responsibility and the use of Reusable Products and E – waste management can be the roadmap.

Still, we – as a social community failed to curb the disasters anyway.

Understanding the importance of an environment-sensitive mindset, this blog has everything that one needs to know about plastic’s degrading effect and the 3R’s that can save our earth from getting degraded by plastic usage

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