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Meme culture – Your next marketing move

Digital seo
Meme culture – Your next marketing move

In 1976, Richard Dawkins invented the expression ‘meme’ in his book The Selfish Gene to make clear how ideas develop and are shared transversely in diverse cultures. But later, “Meme” made a different meaning across social media tools for marketing, which is a fun way but somewhere, When the Internet linked different corners of the world, this switch of cultural artifacts became much quicker and a lot well-organized.

In a time where many customers skip advertisements on every occasion they can, advertising with humor and familiar media can interact with hard-to-attain customers using marketing strategy for application. For expert storytellers — digital marketers, entrepreneurs, entertainers, and innovative pros — meme marketing may be a very low-value manner to create attractive content material that could bore fruit as good digital marketing strategies does.

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