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Crucial Legal requirements to sell your house privately

NZ Home Buyers
Crucial Legal requirements to sell your house privately

If you are planning on selling your home privately, one of the things you have to ensure is legal compliance. Selling a house privately means doing it without the assistance of an agent. The seller must prepare the house for sale and arrange for the legal requirements to be completed before the sale.

A lot of prospective buyers may want to see the necessary documents upfront. It is vital to disclose all relevant information about the property to buyers. This relevant information can vary from property to property and may include details such as:

  • Boundary issues
  • Weather-tightness issues
  • Non-approved alterations to the property
  • Impact of proposed developments

Some crucial legal requirements for selling a house privately in NZ are:

  • LIM report

Most prospective home buyers want to know if there are any flooding, erosion, or other similar issues with the house. Anyone selling a house privately can obtain a LIM report from the local council. To find the local council, you can Google "LIM + (your city/town)".

  • Title and Memorandum of Lease

Title and Memorandum Lease can be ordered online. These are essential legal documents you must possess when selling your home privately.

  • Building inspection report

This report includes information about the structural integrity of a property and is one of the main conditions in a Sale and Purchase Agreement.

  • Sales & Purchase Agreement

This is a legal document provided by a solicitor. It includes the standard terms around deposits, unconditional sales, and other essential information.

  • Survey Plans that show the legal boundaries, area and dimensions
  • Code of Compliance (COC) is required for any unfinished renovations, extensions or repairs.
  • An Electrical Code of Compliance for any new electrical work installation
  • Electrical Inspections Certificates for insurance of properties built pre-1938.

About Us

NZ Home Buyers have assisted many property owners to achieve successful results, when selling a house privately in New Zealand. We are not real estate professionals, but we buy properties for personal use, development, and investment. For fast selling your property, contact us.

Website: https://nzhomebuyers.co.nz/about-us/

NZ Home Buyers
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