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Learn About the Housekeeping Course from the Best IHM | HIHT World

Heritage Institute Of Hotel & Tourism
 Learn About the Housekeeping Course from the Best IHM | HIHT World

Housekeeping is an operational department in a hotel, which is responsible for cleanliness, maintenance, aesthetic upkeep of rooms, public area, back area, and surroundings. A hotel survives on the sale of rooms, food, beverages, and other minor services such as the laundry, health club spa, and so on. It is rightly said that housekeeping is a 24 x 7 x 365 operation. Be a hospitality graduate from Heritage Institute Of Hotel & Tourism and make your Career in Hospitality Management.

Housekeeping plays a very important role in the hospitality industry such as:

  • To achieve the maximum possible efficiency in ensuring the care and comfort of guests and in the smooth running of the department.
  • To establish a welcoming atmosphere and ensure courteous, reliable service from all staff of the department.
  • To ensure a high standard of cleanliness and general upkeep in all areas for which the department is responsible.
  • To provide linen in rooms, restaurants, banquet hall, conference venues, health clubs, and so on, as well as maintains an inventory for the same.
  • To provide uniforms for all the staff and maintain adequate inventories for the same.
  • To cater to the laundering requirements of the hotel linen, staff uniforms, and guest clothing.
  • To Provide and maintain the floral decorations and maintain the landscaped areas of the hotel.
  • To coordinate renovation and refurnishing of the property as and when in consultation with the management and with interior designers.
  • To deal with lost and found articles.
  • To ensure training, control, and supervision of all staff attached to the department.
  • To establish a good working relationship with other departments.
  • To ensure that safety and security regulations are made known to all staff of the department.

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Visit Us:- https://www.hihtworld.com/agra/blog/career-in-housekeeping-department-in-hotel-management/

Heritage Institute Of Hotel & Tourism
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