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Motion Sickness in Cancer– Ankr Healthcare


What is Motion Sickness?

Motion Sickness in Cancer is a common problem in people traveling by car, train, airplanes, and especially boats. Anyone can get it, but children, pregnant women, and people taking certain medicines are at high risk. It can start suddenly, with a queasy feeling and cold sweats.

How Bad Is Motion Sickness?

Mild: You may have belching, hypersalivation, heartburn, and headache. The mild symptoms can be safely managed at home by following the tips given in the below section.

Moderate: You may have dizziness, nausea, and decreased cognitive performance. Moderate symptoms can sometimes be safely managed at home but may require the attention of the medical team.

Severe: It means you are having an exaggerated sense of motion, cold diaphoresis, and increased postural sway. It may be an emergency and require additional medical interventions. You should call your medical team for assistance immediately.

How to Manage Mild Symptoms  of Motion Sickness?

·  Find something to focus on, whether it’s taking deep breaths or counting backwards from 100. Closing your eyes can help, too.

·  Look at a stable object. If you’re on a boat, look at the horizon. If you’re in a car, look through the windshield.

·  Avoid alcohol before and during the travel.

·  Eat lightly before travel but don’t fast.

·  Breathe fresh air.

·  Do not smoke.

·  Avoid reading.

·  Take medicine one to two hours before traveling.

·  Lie down when you feel sick.

·  Drink plenty of water.

How to Manage Moderate and Severe Motion Sickness?

It usually goes away once the journey is over. But if you’re still dizzy, have a headache, continue to vomit, notice hearing loss or chest pain, call your doctor.

What Causes Motion Sickness?

It is an imbalance between what you see and what you feel.

·  Family history

·  Inner ear disorders

·  Migraines

·  Pregnancy

·  Reading while in motion


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