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How is Hair Transplant Better Than Prosthetic Hair?

Jacob Kaul
How is Hair Transplant Better Than Prosthetic Hair?

Everyone wants to manage hair loss in an attractive way to prevent shame because it may be difficult for the person experiencing it. Hair loss or developing baldness may have a significant psychological impact. Nearly everyone tries to find a natural remedy for hair loss, however nothing typically works for permanent hair loss. The majority of patients start utilising short-term assistance like commonly accessible wigs and synthetic hair. Another method that is frequently recommended by doctors in situations of early hair loss but not in established baldness is medication. The most effective treatment for hair loss is considered a hair transplant.

So let's determine how to compare hair transplant with synthetic hair, and which procedure gets the win for being the finest treatment for hair loss.

What about prosthetic hairs?

A non-surgical hair restoration method that is personalised for each bald patient is prosthetic hairs, often known as hair patches. While hair patches are made particularly for each patient and are tailored as needed by specialists, wigs and extensions on the market are generalised. This appears to be a patch of hair made of an unnoticeable, specialised substance that resembles scalp skin. The artificial hair or real human hairs are put into the film of specialist material in accordance with the bald area. If high-quality materials are utilised, these hair patches seem natural, but they cannot be used as a long-term cure for baldness.

The patient's skin tone and existing hair are taken into consideration while selecting the hair. Since this prosthesis breathes, it is not necessary to remove it during bathing, swimming, or at night. Every six to twelve months, the artificial hairs need to be replaced. The upkeep of these aids determines how long they may be used for, which in no circumstances can be more than a year.

Prosthetic hair preparation involves a number of stages, including:

1. After obtaining an impression, the molding procedure is carried out to create the basis.

2. A hypoallergenic, neutral, biocompatible, and inert substance or cloth is used to prepare the basis.

3. The hairs are positioned according to how the particular bald spot looks.

What is hair transplantation? How it is performed?

The only treatment for hair loss that offers lasting results and a completely natural appearance is hair transplant surgery. It entails removing hair follicles from the donor area that are sufficiently surrounded by tissues, then transplanting them to the target bald location. Only your own hairs should be used for the treatment, which is only possible if you have enough hair on hand.

FUE and FUT hair transplant procedures are two methods that may be used to execute the hair transplant surgery. These procedures use a variety of harvesting techniques that may be chosen depending on the patients' needs.

Is hair transplant better than prosthetic hairs? Why?

Based on the effectiveness of the treatment and the results, the hair transplant surgery would unquestionably receive more votes if we evaluated the two surgeries. The following list of distinctions between hair transplant techniques and artificial hairs is explained:

1. Invasiveness: Hair transplant operations are hardly ever invasive and have no lasting side effects. After the treatment, you can get back to work right away. Contrarily, non-invasive methods are used to apply artificial hair.

2. Permanent results: Hair transplants produce results that are permanent, whereas artificial hair results may be temporary or semi-permanent.

3. Natural appearances: Both artificial hair and hair transplant techniques can provide outcomes that seem natural. However, even the highest grade prosthetic hair might be recognised by the audience, which is absolutely uncomfortable.

4. Replacements: Following physical recuperation, hair transplants do not require maintenance or replacements, whereas artificial hair requires ongoing care and replacements every 6 to 12 months.

Since 2005, the Medispa clinic for hair transplant in Jaipur has been offering top-notch results and services on an international level. We are renowned for our brilliance. One of the top hair transplant surgeons, Dr. Suneet Soni offers world-class, naturally seeming outcomes after hair transplantation along with a consistently high success rate. We provide top-notch services at an affordable hair transplant cost in Jaipur.

Jacob Kaul
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