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Global Agricultural Films And Bonding Market To Be Driven By The Expansion Of The Food And Beverage Industry In The Forecast Period Of 2022-2027

sophia grace
Global Agricultural Films And Bonding Market To Be Driven By The Expansion Of The Food And Beverage Industry In The Forecast Period Of 2022-2027

The new report by Expert Market Research titled, ‘Global Agricultural Films and Bonding Market Report and Forecast 2022-2027’, gives an in-depth analysis of the global agricultural films and bonding market, assessing the market based on its segments like products, raw materials, applications, and major regions. The report tracks the latest trends in the industry and studies their impact on the overall market. It also assesses the market dynamics, covering the key demand and price indicators, along with analysing the market based on the SWOT and Porter’s Five Forces models.

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The key highlights of the report include:

Market Overview (2017-2027)

  • Forecast CAGR (2022-2027): 6%

The expansion of the food and beverage and agricultural industries owing to the increasing global food demands, inflating disposable incomes, and rapidly growing population is projected to propel the demand for agricultural films and bonding. In this regard, these films and bonding are effective in controlling temperature, reducing soil erosion, controlling weed growth, conserving nutrients, and protecting the crops from harmful UV rays. These factors are anticipated to boost the market growth in the forecast period. In terms of region, the Asia Pacific is expected to account for a significant share in the market. China is one of the world’s largest producers of rice and wheat, and the agricultural sector in the country is anticipated to witness several technological advancements in the forecast period. These factors are projected to provide impetus to the market growth. Meanwhile, the rising population in the region and the rapid urbanisation in countries like India are likely to invigorate the market growth in the forecast period.

Industry Definition and Major Segments

Agricultural films and bonding refer to the protective materials which are used to cover or wrap over the soil in order to support the crop growth and increase the yield. In addition to this, agricultural films and bonding reduces the soil erosion, enhances the quality of soil, and protects the plant against UV rays. Moreover, the extensive applications of the product include greenhouse farming, mulching, and vegetable packing, among others.

By product, the market can be segmented into:

  • Agricultural Film
  • Agricultural Twine
  • Agricultural Netting
  • Others

Based on raw material, the market is segmented into:

  • Agricultural Film
  • LDPE
  • Others
  • Agricultural Twine
  • Sisal
  • Polypropylene
  • LDPE
  • Others
  • Agricultural Netting
  • HDPE
  • LDPE
  • Polypropylene
  • Others

The significant applications of the product include:

  • Greenhouse
  • Mulching
  • Silage
  • Vegetable Packing
  • Fruit Packing
  • Bale
  • Anti-insects
  • Others

The regional markets for agricultural films and bonding include:

  • North America
  • Europe
  • Asia Pacific
  • Latin America
  • Middle East and Africa

Read Full Report with Table of Contents: https://www.expertmarketresearch.com/reports/agricultural-films-and-bonding-market

Market Trends

The technological advancements in the agricultural sector in order to maximise food production to meet the growing demands of the global population are anticipated to be the key trend guiding the growth of the market. Meanwhile, the expansion of the food packaging industry owing to the thriving e-commerce industry is likely to be another major trend propelling the market growth. Furthermore, the increasing government efforts aimed towards curbing the effects of greenhouse gases and the growing expenditure to strengthen the agriculture sector are expected to bolster the demand for agricultural films and bonding in the forecast period.

Key Market Players

The major players in the market are Trioworld, Ab Rani Plast Oy, Berry Global Inc., BASF SE, and Groupe Barbier, among others. The report covers the market shares, capacities, plant turnarounds, expansions, investments and mergers and acquisitions, among other latest developments of these market players.

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