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Cyber Security Tips for Small and Medium Business in Calgary

Your IT Results Inc.


You need to take the appropriate precautions if you are working in a small or medium business in Calgary, as cybercrime and other cyber security concerns are rising.

What Causes Cyber Security Issues?

Cyber security threats can come from anywhere; it doesn't matter if your company is across town or the world. One of the primary causes for concern is phishing, which generally involves hackers acquiring passwords and personal information from employees who have fallen victim to fake websites. In some cases, these fake websites are made to look like yours to trick you into entering sensitive information.

Another common cause of cyber security problems is an employee clicking on a link or sending out an email that contains malware. Malware is just what it sounds like; it's software that can damage your computer, collect personal information and cause other problems. Although you might think that your employees would know better than to fall for such scams, phishing is so effective that even the savviest people can be deceived.

Cyber Security Tips for Small and Medium Business in Calgary:

Here are some simple cyber security tips for small and medium businesses you can use to protect yourself and your employees:

  • Educate your employees – Encourage your employees to be mindful of what they're doing if they're using a public computer, such as one at the library or even at a friend's house. Inform them that they shouldn't open attachments or click on links unless they know who the message is from, and remind them how important it is not to share their information online. Educating your employees is an essential step in protecting yourself from malware and phishing scams. A lot of people think that phishing works because people are stupid, but it's more effective than that.

  • Don't click on links that you don't know or believe to be legitimate – Never open any unsolicited email, even if it looks like it came from a friend. This is particularly important if you have an important password you'd rather not share.


  • Have multiple passwords – If people do fall victim to phishing scams, it's fairly easy for hackers to steal your passwords and log into your accounts. Having passwords for various sites is the best way to ensure that your online accounts can't be compromised.


  • If you use your computer for work, make sure that you have antivirus software – Although this is another item that should be on every small business's Cyber Security Provider Company in Calgary, it's particularly important to keep your system safe from malware and viruses if you're using it for work purposes. Antivirus software can be installed relatively easily and can help prevent problems by blocking any viruses or malware before they can infect your computer.


  • Keep an eye on accounts – Be alert to any changes in your account and contact the service provider if you notice anything out of the ordinary. Depending on how much information you share online, one unauthorized access could spell disaster, so always stay alert.


These are just a few tips to help you avoid being a victim of cyber attacks. Implementing them is important if you want to protect your business, but even more crucial if you want to keep your personal information safe as well. Make sure to consider these tips and implement the appropriate ones for your business.

Your IT Results Inc offers Network Security Service Provider Calgary to small and medium business IT Support. Call us at (403) 241-4008 for a free quote.

Your IT Results Inc.
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