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What is the right time to stop wearing retainers?

What is the right time to stop wearing retainers?

This is a question all our patients ask us. We understand that the time is overwhelming for you when your treatment of orthodontics in Olathe is about to end. While you are cherishing and fantasizing the smile you are going to get, you get another blow when your orthodontist in Kansas City ask you to wear retainers. You are already tired of bearing the weight on your teeth, and you are not ready to have these retainers with you again. Well, retainers are as important as the orthodontic treatment your went through. You will need to wear them as long as your orthodontist suggest you to if you do not want to render the entire treatment useless.

The thought of throwing away these retainers is also obvious and understandable. Patients feel like they have had enough of these appliances and they just want to do it away with everything. They just want to brush their teeth, eat their favorite foods and that’s it. Although, it is not that simple you know.

Retainers are crucial because they keep your teeth from moving. Your teeth have recently shifted to this new position and they will always desire to go back to their previous places. Also, as you mature in your age, changes are bound to happen to your teeth like narrowing of the dental arch and so on. These changes may or may not be a part of your original problem, but wearing retainers can prevent any kind of negative transition on your teeth. You will meet a lot of people in life who would repent their decision of throwing away the retainers. They spent a good amount of money and time to align their teeth, but as they skipped the retainers, their teeth again went to the same place as they were before the orthodontic treatment.

With retainers, every individual is different and not everyone will get the same type of retainer. Similar to braces and invisalign, your orthodontist in Kansas City will see the progress of your orthodontic treatment and based on the final examination after the treatment is completed, he or she will take the final call on the kind of retainers you should be wearing.

Retainers can be permanently fixed to your teeth or they can be removable like the plastic aligners. With some special cases, people are given Hawley retainers, which are attached to the teeth from the back with the help of a wire. The retainers are not visible as they are at the back and they will not interfere in your daily routine.

If everything is normal, you will be given removable retainers, which look and feel like plastic aligners.

Jake Ferrell is the author of this article. To know more about Invisalign in Overland Park Please Visit our Website: https://www.drwilcoxon.com/contact-us/

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