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Factors to Consider Before Getting Invisalign Braces Treatment - Tower House Dental Clinic

Tower House Dental Clinic
Factors to Consider Before Getting Invisalign Braces Treatment - Tower House Dental Clinic

We all love perfectly shining, well-aligned teeth and bright smiles, don’t we? But not all of us have them because we aren’t born flawless, we have many flaws, and that’s what makes us different from one another, but having a flawless smile with perfectly aligned teeth is effortlessly possible now!

Accepting our imperfections and flaws is as important as treating them. Your flaws don’t make you odd but unique. Hence, do not let them turn into your insecurities or collate yourself or your imperfections with others. For example, many of us have crooked or misaligned teeth because of a few habits we had in childhood, such as thumb sucking or thrusting the tongue on the base space of teeth/gums or accidents that might lead to misalignment.

Any reason mentioned above could be a reason for us ending up with having an abnormal size of teeth. Teeth consist of the most delicate form of bone humans have; thus, they tend to break or change their sizes easier.

How to have perfectly aligned teeth without braces?

As we move forward in time, we move a step further to achieving the unachievable; being said that, doctors and dentists have come up with Dentist Isle of Wight, where a series of clear plastic aligners goes on your set of teeth to fix them.

Let Us Answer Some Most Asked Questions About Invisalign Treatment:

Invisalign are clear, transparent, and easy to wear items, with which one cannot differentiate between your real teeth and teeth covered under Invisalign. On the other hand, braces are made up of stainless steel and thus catch unnecessary attention from people. 

Invisalign gently straightens your misaligned teeth and pushes them to a proper position. As they are removable, you can brush and eat without any complications.


Invisalign isn’t painful at all. They are wearable. However, they can leave your teeth a bit sore at the start because of the pressure exerted on teeth.

Tower House Dental Clinic
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