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Reasons Why Serviced Apartments are Gaining Popularity

At Home Apartment Hotel

You've probably heard the term "serviced apartments" thrown around a lot lately. Headlines raving about the rising demand for serviced apartments are bound to pique one's interest. And, to be honest, a few questions -

  • What exactly are they?
  • What makes them so popular?
  • Should I think about investing in them?

All of these are excellent, valid, questions. In this blog, we'll try to answer all of the above questions so you have a clear image of serviced apartments.

Serviced Apartment Hotel

What are serviced apartments?

Let's start with the fundamentals. It's easy to dismiss serviced apartments as merely commercial spaces for rent, but they're much more.

A serviced apartment is a fully furnished apartment that can be decided to rent for short or long periods. Consider them a hybrid of hotels and apartments. A place that allows you to stay temporarily, but it has a kitchenette, a laundry room, and other amenities that you would expect at home. They are typically studios or one-bedroom apartments.

Because these spaces can be rented, investors have taken notice of them, viewing them as a feasible choice in the property investment market. But we'll get to that a little later. Let's start with their growing popularity.

Why are serviced apartments such a hit?

Despite being a somewhat new concept in the world of investments in India, serviced apartments have grown in popularity as both a hotel alternative and a profitable investment option.

First, let's look at why they're so popular among business travelers.

  • Serviced apartments in India are significantly cheaper than hotels, especially for long-term stays. As a result, they are a cost-effective option for both individual business travelers and companies that temporarily station employees in other cities.

  • They end up serving as temporary residences. Fully furnished accommodations with small kitchens and committed laundry zones, these flats provide more space than standard hotel rooms while maintaining amenities such as telephone, fax, and internet access.

  • You also get additional amenities such as conference rooms, room service, a health club, and a swimming pool, among other things, which makes life easier for the on-the-go businessperson.

Top 6 reasons why serviced apartments are popular

If your work entails traveling, you've most likely stayed in a hotel or two. However, you are not required to remain in one. There are numerous other options, some of which are far superior to what a hotel may provide. It is worthwhile to look into these choices because the right housing options will make your journey that much easier.

Serviced apartments in India are one of these options, and they're becoming increasingly popular among business travelers.

Here are six reasons why serviced apartments are an excellent choice for business travelers.

1. Find locations anywhere you want

Hotels are frequently found in commercial districts or near airports. While this may appear to be convenient if you need a place to stay after landing, it may place you far from your clients.

Serviced apartments, on the other hand, are accessible in residential areas and hot spots throughout many cities and around the world. Being located in a centralized spot means you won't have to struggle to get out of the city center to find your clients. This not only reduces stress and the possibility of being late for important meetings, but it also saves you time. You will then have so much time to get ready for your meetings.

2. Stay as long as you would like

You can rent one of the best serviced apartments in Hyderabad for three days or three weeks. You'll get the same benefits either way. Furthermore, you will enjoy a more homely atmosphere, which will make staying for several weeks away from home easier.

Another advantage of top serviced apartments in Hyderabad is that you can come and go whenever you want. You are not required to check out by 10 a.m. on your final day, and there is no penalty for arriving late from a long-distance flight.

3. Offers more amenities

A hotel room includes a bed, a desk, and a bathroom. A serviced apartment is comparable to a luxury hotel room, but it usually carries more facilities than a ritzy hotel room. 

Serviced apartments, for example, typically include a kitchenette and laundry facilities. This is difficult to find in a low-cost hotel room. You also have a lot more space in an apartment. You'll have more personal space as well.

You won't be awakened by hotel customers exiting early each morning or someone in the next room hosting a party. This makes it easier to unwind at the end of the day. 

Better amenities also imply that you can do more with the space. Having a kitchen allows you to cook your meals as well as have them prepared for guests on the spot. A better, more comfortable room also provides you with more tv shows and movies. Nobody enjoys being confined to a hotel that feels incomplete. If you don't feel like going out, you can always stay back at your serviced apartment. Another great benefit is the ability to entertain or hold meetings in the apartment.

4. Keeps people connected

The best luxury Serviced apartments in Hyderabad range in size from studios to three-bedroom apartments. This may allow you to share an apartment with two or three team members rather than reserving separate hotel rooms. They can now interact with one another at the start and end of each day, keeping lines of communication open.

If you need to regroup, this can make things much easier. It also allows your team members to work in their own corners if necessary. Bringing everyone together for news conferences or before an event will be considerably easier if you all have serviced apartments nearby and use one as your headquarters.

5. Safe and secure

With a serviced apartment, you will have someone come in once in a while to clean the apartment, but it will not be as intrusive as in a hotel. There will not be as many employees with access to the space as there would be in a regular room. This reduces the possibility of theft or assault. You also don't have to be concerned about business laptops or corporate IDs being stolen while someone is working out or doing laundry.

Nonetheless, serviced apartments provide some of the same amenities as hotels. This includes a concierge and a 24-hour reception. If you do your homework, you might be able to find one that also offers ironing and other errand services. 

6. Cheaper than a hotel

When staying for several weeks, a serviced apartment is often less expensive than a hotel. If you book it several weeks in advance, they will usually reduce the cost per night.

A serviced apartment can also help you save money in other ways. For example, when planning a business trip, food is frequently one of the largest budget items, and the amount of money you'll be able to save on food alone will be well worth it. In addition, rather than paying the hotel for dry cleaning, your employees can do their own laundry. They can enjoy entertainment options such as DVD players and smart TVs without being charged for each movie they watch.

To sum it up,

Business travelers should prioritize serviced apartments. They should definitely be considered if you want a less expensive, more comfortable, and convenient option for hotels. There are many serviced apartments in Hyderabad such as At Home Hospitality Services. They provide you with amazing apartments that have spacious apartments, excellent amenities and broad parking spaces all at an affordable package.

At Home Apartment Hotel
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