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Rdias College
Top IP Colleges for BBA


  Top IP Colleges for BBA

  1. The management program of Top IP Colleges for BBA mainly insists on providing young thinking minds with the power to develop their skills, shape their ideas, and become an expert to make complex managerial decision making. In the management course, the students are being offered electives in the domain areas of Marketing/HR/Finance/IT/IB/Operations on credit-based choices for the purpose of gaining specialization.
  2. The MBA curriculum of Top IP Colleges for BBA is spread over four semesters in order to incorporate the basic concept in the initial phase, followed by the application of the concepts in the further units. During the first two Semesters, our experienced faculties are allotted with teaching the subjects which are common to all the students. 
  3. The infrastructure of Top IP Colleges for BBA  plays a vital role in the overall development of the students as labs are now becoming the major factor while selecting a college. The colleges should have very good infrastructure with advanced laboratories and classrooms equipped with state of the art equipment etc.

  4. The infrastructure of the Top IP Colleges for BBA provides students with hands-on experience on the latest technologies. Nowadays, computing resources are one of the important and mandatory needs of academics and administration of college. All colleges are now equipped with the latest computer products, gadgets and internet connectivity for the holistic development of students. 
  5. The Department of Management Studies of Top IP Colleges for BBA  mainly focuses on management education. The experienced faculty members are committed towards thought leadership with a deep understanding of management aspects. The faculty members follow the approach to pedagogical practices which combine case study analysis, field work analysis with a strong emphasis on concepts and theory.
  6. The Center for Corporate Relations of  Top IP Colleges for BBA  plays a crucial role in the development and nurturing of continued relationships with Corporate Companies and Industrial Associations. The Center is responsible for enhancing the student’s employability through intensive skill training programs. The Center with its expertise offers support and guidance to students in finding suitable career opportunities.
  7. The  Top IP Colleges for BBA  conduct the evaluation test for the students. The test evaluates the Aptitude, English Competency and Quants of the student. The assessment and continuing training programs are designed to enhance their employability. The solution of the assessment tests are being provided to students for preparing them for the campus recruitment drives. 

  8. Nowadays, the business environment is very challenging. The management graduates of top  Top IP Colleges for BBA  are expected to excel in all general management areas along with their respective areas of specialization. There are various corporate training programs, group discussions, presentation skills, public speaking, role plays which are involved in bridging the gap between Campus and Corporate.
  9. The Placement cell of  Top IP Colleges for BBA  plays a crucial role in providing guidance and counseling to the students. Here, students are advised on a continuous basis to work towards their chosen career path according to their specialization area. The  mentor and coaching sessions are held at regular intervals to ensure students move with the right career choice.

  10. The placement exercise of the Top IP Colleges for BBA is a combined effort of the students and the Institute. The management colleges provide importance to the placement activities to ensure the competitiveness of the student in the job market. The Institute provides networking opportunities to the students for building the relationships







Rdias College
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