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Matters needing attention when choosing an organic fertilizer machine manufacturers

Matters needing attention when choosing an organic fertilizer machine manufacturers

Organic fertilizer equipment production process: The organic fertilizer production line generally includes several basic production links such as raw material crushing, batching, mixing, granulation, finished product packaging, stacking and storage, and each production link is an independent production section. In addition, there are dust removal air network systems, etc., dust removal air network equipment, etc. which are called auxiliary processes and auxiliary equipment.

1. Organic fertilizer crushing equipment: After the material is processed by the crusher, it is transported to the batching bin by the scraper or the elevator.

2. Ingredients: According to the requirements of the production formula, the dynamic metering or static meter is used to transport the conveyors in different parts of the warehouse to the mixing device, and after weighing the materials of the required weight, they are sent to the elevator.

3. Mixing: After the materials are put into the mixer, they penetrate each other under the action of the mixer, and finally form the formula fertilizer required for production.

4. Finished product packaging: The formula fertilizer in the finished product warehouse will be sent to the finished product warehouse through the quantitative feeding device, weighing, sack, sewing, and belt conveyor.

When choosing an organic fertilizer machine manufacturers, be sure to consider the following aspects:

1. Manufacturers: On-the-spot inspection of manufacturers, it is necessary to choose officially registered and qualified manufacturers to ensure that the quality and after-sales are guaranteed;

2. Quality: The quality of cow dung organic fertilizer equipment, quality is the life of the equipment, and ensuring the normal operation of the equipment is the most basic. If there is no good quality, no matter how good the appearance is, there will be problems sooner or later. A good manufacturer will strictly control the quality and strive for excellence;

3. Price: Equipment price, price is always an important factor for buyers to consider. Different equipment configurations, such as fertilizer granulator machine price, will also be different. How to choose a good manufacturer at the same price is a problem we consider, but we must remember one thing, the more equipment at the same price can meet the output at the same time, the higher the cost performance.

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